In a country where there is serious intellectual discourse, one would expect that the Parliamentary debate would lead to a public debate concerning the policy agenda put forward by Prime Minister Holness and the Finance Minister, Audley Shaw. There was a response from outgoing Leader of the Opposition…
The “budget lite” that our 45th President submitted is described as a “budget blueprint to make America Great Again”. Submitted in the third week of March, it trumpets draconian cuts in many federal programs, eliminating some that provide important services, including the African Development Foundation…
While much of the country tunes into March Madness, the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the White House has unleashed a March Massacre, its “skinny budget” plan for 2018. Budgets often…
By Raina Turner -This Wednesday, March 15, 2017, I had the pleasure of participating in a delegation organized by the Constituency for Africa (CFA), a leading education and advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. This meeting was a continuation of CFA’s efforts to introduce the new African Union (AU) Ambassador…
If you happened to have voted for the 45th President, you may be feeling a little spat on, right about now. The man who said he wanted to take care of the little people, those who were forgotten by the elites…
By Frank Joyce – Dr. King identified the triplets of racism, militarism and materialism as the legacy we must overcome.
The effort to repeal and replace health care is generating headlines, and the attempt to investigate our 45th President’s Russia connections is of high importance. The specious claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, too, has generated interest…
By Juan Cole – Rep Steve King of Iowa (whose constituents should be ashamed to show their faces in public went full-on racist again, supporting hate-speech master Geert Wilders in his quixotic quest to reverse globalization and ban Muslims from Europe.
The American Health Care Act that is designated to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is racing through Congressional Committees towards adoption in the House and eventually in the Senate.
The effort to repeal and replace health care is generating headlines, and the attempt to investigate our 45th President’s Russia connections is of high importance. The specious claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower…
In “A Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens contrasted the plight of the poor in France with the lavish wealth of the aristocracy, the city of need with the city of greed. That harsh exploitation eventually erupted in the French Revolution, and the brutal revenge of the revolutionaries on their former oppressors.
We have had more than forty days and forty nights of the Trump presidency and the federal system in America is suffering from what has become a situation of chronic chaos. Trump’s state of the union address gave…