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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) addresses supporters in New York in June 2016 after he bowed out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. He officially entered the 2020 race on Tuesday.

Why Sanders’ Supporters Say He’s Still The Right Choice For 2020

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No one else has the same credibility on progressive issues, say his diehard backers. By Daniel Marans, HuffPost — In 2016′s Democratic presidential race, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ identity was clear. He was the radical progressive offering a distinct alternative to Hillary Clinton, whose experience and coziness with financial elites made her a convenient foil for the rumpled democratic socialist from Burlington, Vermont. Sanders was the true believer who didn’t have…

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Liam Neeson appeared on "Good Morning America" on Tuesday in the wake of controversy over his saying he contemplated carrying out a racist revenge attack after someone close to him was raped.Source: hln

Stop ‘whitesplaining’ racism to me

By Commentaries/Opinions, Video/Audio

 By John Blake, CNN — Health officials issue public warnings about spikes in everything from the flu to the measles. But there is one contagion authorities are ignoring: We’re facing another outbreak of “whitesplaining.” “Whitesplaining” is an affliction that’s triggered when some white people hear a person of color complain about racism. They will immediately explain in a condescending tone why the person is wrong, “getting too emotional” or…

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Donata Meirelles

Vogue Brazil director resigns over birthday photos evoking slavery

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Images show Donata Meirelles, who is white, sitting on a throne-like seat flanked by four black women dressed in white. By Anna Jean Kaiser, The Guardian — The fashion director of the Brazilian edition of Vogue has resigned after photos from her 50th birthday party drew criticism for evoking colonial depictions of slavery. Images from the party showed Donata Meirelles, who is white, sitting on a throne-like seat flanked by four black…

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Ilhan Omar and Elliott Abrams

White Privilege and Black Power: Ilhan Omar Checks Elliott Abrams

By Dr. Julianne Malveaux

By Dr. Julianne Malveaux — Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is a member of Congress. Let me repeat that. Ms. Omar is a member of Congress. So how dare Elliot Abrams, 45’s nominee as Venezuelan envoy presume to interrupt the Congresswoman as she made a statement and interrogated him? He was relatively docile when white people questioned him, but was angry and ignorant in his response to the Congresswoman. His behavior was…

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In Michigan, which accounts for nearly half of all committed federal funds for blight demolition, the average cost paid with federal dollars increased by 90 percent in less than three years.

‘The Divided City’ warns of Detroit’s inequality

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By Bankole Thompson, Detroit News — Despite the revival taking place in cities like Detroit, Baltimore and Pittsburgh, they are being turned into “places of growing inequality where small, glittering enclaves of prosperity are ringed by larger areas of decline and where millions are relegated to lives of poverty and hopelessness.” That’s the message historian and author Alan Mallach conveys in his new book, “The Divided City: Poverty and Prosperity…

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Juan Guaidó engages supporters in Caracas, Venezuela, on February 2, 2019.

In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup

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By Greg Palast, Truthout — On January 23, right after a phone call from Donald Trump, Juan Guaidó, former speaker of Venezuela’s National Assembly, declared himself president. No voting. When you have official recognition from The Donald, who needs elections? Say what? I can explain what’s going on in Venezuela in photos. Opposition leader and self-proclaimed ‘acting president’ Juan Guaido (2-L) talks to the press as he holds his daughter Miranda (3-L), next to his wife…

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Bashir Muhammad Akinyele

Newark Activist On Black History Month: Where Do We Go From Here?

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“When we really unify with one another, fight for self-determination, vote, and coalition build, our movements become much stronger.” By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele — With the tragic killings of Blackmen, Blackwomen, Black children, and Black youth going on in African America on a daily basis, we must force our people, and the world, to understand that neglected and failed American policies to eradicate racism, Black self-hatred, poverty, drugs, high incarceration…

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