Research ››› October 29, 2013 2:31 PM EDT ››› ALBERT KLEINE Cable and broadcast nightly news programs have remained completely silent on pending automatic cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance…

By Five Omar Mualimm-ak, The Guardian Everyone knows that prison is supposed to take away your freedom. But solitary doesn’t just confine your body; it kills your soul.

NEW YORK — NEW YORK (AP) — Is donning blackface to dress up as a favorite TV character ever OK for Halloween?

Leon and Mary Adams had been living in their Philadelphia home for nearly five decades. They were eating breakfast one morning last year when armed cops streamed out of a…

NAREB Report Shows Nation’s Economic Recovery Isn’t Shared Equally As part of the 43rd annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Conference, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) unveiled new…
By John Duda
There are very legitimate reasons to be scared that the proliferation of video surveillance is rapidly encroaching on our rights to everyday privacy and anonymity on the streets of Baltimore. Spurred on by counter-terrorism paranoia, recent advances in camera technology and computerized image processing are bringing George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare of inescapable social control within reach of today’s bureaucrats.
Bob Marley’s widow calls for Africans and black people in the diaspora to promote unity across the continent, the diaspora and the world.
2013 marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Amilcar Cabral, revolutionary, poet, liberation philosopher, and leader of the independence movement of Guinea Bissau and Cap Verde. Cabral’s influence stretched well beyond the shores of West Africa.
Cape Verdean Connection: Transnational Community was a featured program at the 1995 Festival of American Folklife at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. At this event, Ana Maria Cabral, widow…
On October 19th 1983, Grenada’s leftist Prime Minister, Maurice Bishop, was killed following a coup. Six days later the US invaded the tiny Caribbean island. We hear from Ann Peters and Don Rojas who were with Maurice Bishop in his final hours. Ms. Peters is the head of Grenada’s Association of Nurses and Mr. Rojas is the former press secretary to PM Maurice Bishop and current director of communications of the Institute of the Black World.
By Tomasz Pierscionek History has imposed on Cuba the responsibility and the opportunity to show the world how people can prosper outside Neoliberalism. For this reason, the US is almost…
“Poetry in my home was almost as strange as money,” Haki R. Madhubuti, originally named Donald L. Lee, related in Dynamite Voices I: Black Poets of the 1960s.