Focus of Premium: The Power of Frederick Douglass. Special Guests: State Senator James Sanders (Queens, NY), Dr. Greg Carr (Chair., Department of Afro-American Studies, Howard University, Washington, D.C.) and Assemblyman Charles Barron (East New York, NY).

The DNC’s bid to energize African American turnout this fall began with these words from Chairman Tom Perez in Atlanta: “I am sorry.” By Russell Berman, The Atlantic — ATLANTA—Swanky fund-raisers don’t often begin with an apology to the well-heeled donors who shelled out thousands of dollars to sip wine, eat steak, and listen to pep-rally speeches. But as he looked out over a predominantly black crowd gathered at the Georgia…

The New York activist’s upset primary victory has fueled hopes – and boosted funding – for progressives in Democratic races across the US By Adam Gabbatt, The Guardian — One day in mid-June, Cori Bush, a nurse and activist mounting a progressive primary challenge against a well-established Democratic congressman in Missouri, took a look at her fundraising totals. She had raised $9 during the previous 24 hours. On the evening of…

Toure Remains in Jail Protesting the Unjust and Illegal Actions of the City of Selma Against Her and Other Selma Residents Statement of Senator Hank Sanders, Toure’s Attorney and…

Baltimore, MD, May 2-3, 2018 — Members of IBW’s Black Family Summit (BFS) and Justice Collaborative met for a two day Education, Orientation, Advocacy Retreat at the National Office of…

By Frederick H. Lowe — U.S. Senators who represent states with significant black populations have people of color in top and mid-level positions but not many African Americans, according to a report by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a Washington, D.C. -based non-partisan public policy organization. Of the 147 top-level positions held by Democrats in the U.S. Senate, only three are held by blacks, representing 2 percent…

By Steve Dubb, Nonprofit Quarterly — The acquittal of George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin took place on July 13, 2013. Reaction to the acquittal led to the birth of what is now known as the Black Lives Matter movement. Chauncey Alcorn, writing in Mic, recalls the movement’s origins: Criminal justice reform advocate Patrisse Cullors sat at the edge of her bed in a Susanville, California, motel room,…
Topics: The Legacy of Elombe Brath • Fighting for Justice in the Case of Anton Rose, Jr. • Impact of the the “Trump” Supreme Court. Guests: Herb Boyd (Editor, Elombe Brath, Selected Writings and Essays, New York, NY), Bernard White (The Forward, Elombe Brath, Selected Writings and Essays, New York, NY), Jasiri X (Founder/Creative Director, One Hood Media Center, Pittsburgh, PA), Dr. Julianne Malveaux (Author, Political Economist, Educator, Washington, D.C.)

In August 1955, Till was beaten, shot and mutilated in Mississippi, four days after it was alleged that the Black 14-year-old from Chicago had flirted with a white woman. By teleSUR — The U.S. government has reopened an investigation into the 1955 killing of Black teenager Emmett Till in Mississippi, saying it had discovered new information in the case, which helped spark the nation’s civil rights movement. The report, sent…

Barbudans take legal action against Government of Antigua and Barbuda for unlawful development of international airport. Legal action seeks injunction to immediately halt development; reveals government continued construction despite knowledge…
Focus: “Elections Matter” Revisited, Part 2. • Update on Political Empowerment in Ferguson. • Addressing Gun Violence in New York. Guests: Mark Thompson (Host, Make It Plain, SIRIUSXM Progress 127, New York, NY), Melanie Randels (Political Activist, Ferguson, MO), Pastor Gil Monrose (67th Clergy Council, “The GOD SQUAD,” Flatbush, NY)

David Comissiong, July 2018 — 1. Acquire and inculcate in ourselves, our people, our institutions, and our Governments a deep knowledge of our history. 2. Formulate the demand for Reparations…