Syndicated radio talk show host Warren Ballentine did not knowingly participate in a scheme to defraud mortgage lenders of $9.7 million and is innocent of all charges filed against him in connection with the scam, his attorneys said.

New York, NY, January 15, 2013 – At the invitation of the Honorable Pedro Pires, former President of Cape Verde, West Africa, Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of…

As January 1, 2013, approaches, Blacks in New York, New Jersey, and across the region are gearing up for various celebrations and commemorations in light of the 150-year anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln.
Hands off Ambassador Susan Rice: Hypocrites Have No Right to Speak New York – Fresh off a highly successful State of the Black World Conference III at Howard University in…

The history of Black people in this country is a complex, engaging and thought-compelling history, a history of Holocaust and enduring hope; of savage enslavement and yet an unsupressable desire and demand for freedom.

Nearly 50 million Americans now are in poverty. One in four children will grow up in impoverished households. Redressing poverty is a national emergency and a moral imperative. In our money-drenched political debate, the poor receive little attention.

In the Second Call for State of the Black World Conference III, we issued a challenge to make the event a “Great Gathering of Black People,” a seminal assembly to assess the state of the race and chart directions for the future. Though State of the Black World Conferences are open to any person of African descent, the vision/mission of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), as the convening organization, is progressive, African-centered and action-oriented in nature.

In his classic work, The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon laid out an extensive explanation of how an oppressed people, which does not fight fiercely and self-consciously against its own oppression, will witness the emergence of those who turn the pent-up anger, disdain and righteous rage they have for their oppressor…

When Rodney King was snatched up into the whip and whirl of the winds of racial history in this country thru his savage beating in 1991 and the resultant revolt in 1992, it was an invitation of history he had no idea would come, no interest at first in accepting and ultimately, no way to engage it except as the man he was and tried to be.

The Institute of the Black World 21st Century has just completed Town Hall Meetings in Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh and Baltimore to increase public awareness about the devastating impact of the “War on Drugs” on the Black community as a racially biased strategy/policy.
Friday, May 18th at Sojourner-Douglass College in Baltimore, the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) convened a Town Hall Meeting on the “War on Drugs” and its devastating impact on Black communities. Nationally syndicated talk show host Warren Ballentine, Keynote Presenter for the event, told an attentive audience that “it’s time to consider legalization to take the profit out of the drug traffic and stop the violence and killing in our communities.”