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Press Releases / Statements

Institute of the Black World 21st Century

IBW Applauds Young Leaders in Ferguson and Beyond

By News & Current Affairs, Press Releases / Statements

The Institute of the Black World 21st Century decries the decision of the Grand Jury in Ferguson not to indict Officer Darren Wilson as yet another in a tragic litany of injustices that is fueling a spirit of resistance, righteous rebellion and movement building across this country; a movement primarily led by young people. We applaud the weeks and months of disciplined training, organizing, demonstrations and protests by young leaders that may well mark the birth of a new movement for social justice and social change in this country. It is their “Selma moment!” The leadership of IBW remains willing to assist with the development of this movement as young leaders deem appropriate.

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Institute of the Black World 21st Century

Town Hall Meeting and Conference on Violence and Fratricide in Black Communities

By News & Current Affairs, Press Releases / Statements

The Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) in conjunction with the Philadelphia Region Justice Collaborative (PRJC) will convene a Town Hall meeting followed by a mini conference to address the plague of violence and fratricide in African-American communities in Philadelphia and other major cities across the country. Both events will take place at Philadelphia’s historic Church of the Advocate, 1801 West Diamond Street, on November 20th and 21st.

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