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Press Releases / Statements

Popular Talk Show Host Embraces Legalization of Drugs as an Option; Says It Would Ease Violence, Killing of Black Youth

By Press Releases / Statements, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

Friday, May 18th at Sojourner-Douglass College in Baltimore, the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) convened a Town Hall Meeting on the “War on Drugs” and its devastating impact on Black communities. Nationally syndicated talk show host Warren Ballentine, Keynote Presenter for the event, told an attentive audience that “it’s time to consider legalization to take the profit out of the drug traffic and stop the violence and killing in our communities.”

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Town Hall Meeting on War on Drugs Attracts Packed House

By Press Releases / Statements, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

A large audience packed the lower auditorium of the historic Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in downtown Washington, D.C. Thursday, May 3rd for a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the War on Drugs and other criminal justice policies a growing number of leaders feel have had destructive effects on Black families and communities.  Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, set the tone by lamenting the growth of the prison-jail industrial complex as a result of criminal justice policies which target Black communities.

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Press Release: IBW Intensifies Attack on “War on Drugs”

By Press Releases / Statements, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the New York based Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), announced today that the organization is intensifying its efforts to end what he describes as a “racially- biased” War on Drugs by holding Town Hall Meetings in Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, PA and Baltimore, MD in the next few weeks.  President Richard M. Nixon launched the War on Drugs 41 years ago to halt the trafficking of illegal drugs in the U.S.

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