Dedicated to the memory of Queen Mother Audley Moore
Established in April, 2015, the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) is a group of distinguished professionals from across the country with outstanding accomplishments in the fields of law, medicine, journalism, academia, history, civil rights and social justice advocacy.
They are united in a common commitment to fight for reparatory justice, compensation and restoration of African American communities that were plundered by the historical crimes of slavery, segregation and colonialism and that continue to be victimized by the legacies of slavery and American apartheid.
Convenor of the NAARC is Dr. Ron Daniels, veteran civil and human rights activist and Distinguished Lecturer Emeritus, York College, City University of New York.
The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) is convened and administered by the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), a 501 C-3 organization. IBW is committed to building the capacity/power of Black communities in the U.S. to work for cultural, social, economic and political upliftment, the development of the global Black community and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people. Consistent with this Mission, the National African American Reparations Commission was established to be an experienced body providing public education on a 10 Point Reparations Program as a reference and framework for the national discourse on reparations; to support HR-40, the Congressional bill that would establish a Commission to study reparations proposals for African Americans; and, serve as an authoritative voice on the definition, principles and criteria for reparatory justice projects, proposals and initiatives for cities, states, corporations, financial institutions, colleges and universities, families.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright
Pastor Emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
Professor Charles Ogletree
Executive Director Emeritus, Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, Harvard University,
Boston, MA
Adjo Adjaka
Independent International Consultant, Sterling, VA
Lionel Jean Baptiste
Cook County Circuit Court Judge, Chicago, IL
Dr. Iva Carruthers
General Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Chicago, IL
Bill Fletcher
Labor and Social Justice Activist, former President, Trans-Africa Forum, Washington, DC
Dr. V.P. Franklin
Editor, Journal of African American History, New Orleans, LA
Justin Hansford, Esq.
Executive Director, Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center, Washington, DC
Kamm Howard
National Co-Chairperson, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations In America, Chicago, IL
Dr. Joyce King
Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair for Urban Teaching, Learning and Leadership, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Julianne Malveaux
Political Economist and President Emeritus, Bennett College for Women, Washington, DC
Yvette Modestin
Founder and Executive Director, Encuentro Diaspora and IBW Board Member, Boston, MA
Nana Dr. Patricia Newton
CEO, Black Psychiatrists of America, Baltimore, MD
Montague Simmons
Co-Chairperson, M4BLs Reparations Policy Table, St. Louis, MO
Atty. Nkechi Taifa
Criminal Justice Reform and Reparations Activist, Washington, DC
Rev. Mark Thompson
Social and Political Activist, Radio Talk Show Host, New York, NY
Rev. Dr. Robert Turner
Pastor of the Historic Vernon AME Church, Tulsa, OK
Rev. JoAnn Watson
Former Detroit City Councilwoman, Detroit, MI
Dr. E. Faye Williams
President/CEO, National Congress of Black Women, Washington, DC
Jasiri X
Hip Hop, Activist, Founder of 1Hood Media Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Ron Daniels
President, Institute of the Black World 21st Century, New York, NY
Don Rojas
Director of Communications, Institute of the Black World 21st Century, Baltimore, MD
Below you’ll find the most recent posts from the NAARC post category.
A National African American Commission Virtual Forum The Growing Demand for Reparations Juneteenth Forum to Address COVID-19, Killing of Black People National Commission Seeks to Advance HR-40 The National African…