National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Position Statement on Personal Protection for Frontline Workers in the Correctional Arena from COVID-19 By NABCJ — NABCJ is an affiliated organization of…
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Position Statement on Personal Protection for Frontline Workers in the Correctional Arena from COVID-19 By NABCJ — NABCJ is an affiliated organization of…
Meharry Medical College President James Hildreth has been advocating for advanced or pre-emptive screening in black neighborhoods for weeks. By Curtis Bunn, NBC News — Meharry Medical College was founded in 1876 in Nashville, Tennessee, to teach medicine to former enslaved Africans and to serve the underserved. Now, in one of its laboratories, a scientist says he is two weeks away from testing an anti-virus to prevent COVID-19, the disease…
By K. Sabeel Rahman, Demos — The escalating COVID-19 pandemic impacts all of us, but for Black and brown people in particular, the combined health and economic devastation is truly…
By Donnell Williams and Antoine M. Thompson — *April 13 — Last week, Congress passed phase three of its COVID-19 response, the CARES ACT, a $2 trillion stimulus package that…
Vantage Point Radio April 20, 2020 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Monifa Bandele, Larry Hamm and callers. Topics: The Movement for Black Lives Policy Agenda, Coronavirus Pandemic Strikes People’s Organization for Progress and The Professor on the Soapbox.
Above photo: Charlotte, N.C., sanitation workers, UE Local 150, at April 7 protest over lack of protective gear, after the COVID-19 death of sanitation worker Adrian Grubbs. Charlotte chapter president…
Public officials lament the way that the coronavirus is engulfing black communities. The question is, what are they prepared to do about it? By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker —…
By White People 4 Black Lives (WP4BL) — Amidst the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, the national Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) has put forth a set of urgent policy demands. White People 4 Black Lives wholeheartedly endorses M4BL’s policy demands, and we pledge to fight for them — and against, in the words of M4BL’s platform preamble,the “the tragic and unnecessary theft and loss of Black life.” As white people, we…
By Hillary Leung, Time — Jay has been locked in his apartment in the southern Chinese megacity of Guangzhou since April 9—when a doctor, local official and a translator delivered a mandatory quarantine order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order came despite the fact that he hasn’t traveled in three months, is showing no symptoms of the disease and hasn’t come into contact with anyone who has tested positive. The English teacher,…
Covid-19 is disproportionately killing black people because the whole system is worse for us. By Stacey Patton, The Washington Post — Black America is ground zero for covid-19. Alarming health…
As data emerges that African Americans are suffering disproportionately from Covid-19, medical practices from past epidemics shed light on a history of racism. By Brentin Mock, CityLab — Just a month ago, there was chatter about how African Americans have a unique racial immunity to the novel coronavirus. Now that data is emerging that African Americans are actually contracting Covid-19 at alarming rates, the new chatter is just the opposite: that African…
New data from 29 states confirm the extent of the racial disparities. By Ibram X. Kendi, The Atlantic — I grew up in the Christian Church, the second son of two ministers….