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Donald Trump

Protestor Pierre Gabriel from Haiti carries flags during a march on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Times Square, called Rally Against Racism: Stand Up for Haiti and Africa in New York January 15, 2018.

Trump is wrong. Norwegian immigrants are not better than Haitians for the US economy

By Commentaries/Opinions

The Trump administration on January 18 removed Haiti from the list of countries eligible for the H2A and H2B temporary visas for low-skilled workers. The move came after President Trump reportedly called Haiti a “s–thole” and asked why we don’t have more immigrants from Norway. Here’s why Norwegians can’t fill America’s immigration needs. By Cindy Huang and Hannah Postel — The Trump administration on January 18 removed Haiti from the…

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Trump Rally - Photo Credit: Kelly Bell

Trump’s Lies Are White Nationalist Gospel

By Editors' Choice

By Jason Opal, The Conversation — U.S. President Donald Trump’s bigotry is no longer in question. Most recently he has called Haiti, the largest Black nation in our hemisphere, a “shithole” whose people “all have AIDS.” The man’s a racist, period. So are many of his fans. The puzzle is how Trump came to be a symbol of national pride for evangelical Protestants who value strict morality and good manners. In 2016, 80 per cent of…

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Trump’s Global Bigotry

By Editors' Choice

His “shithole” remark reveals the motive behind his immigration policies. By Jeet Heer — Meeting with leaders from both parties yesterday to craft a bipartisan immigration deal, President Donald Trump uttered words that are likely to define his presidency. When lawmakers raised the issue of protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, the president reportedly asked, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He added, “Why do we…

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President Trump

It’s not just Trump: Western media has long treated black and brown countries like ‘shitholes’

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Karen Attiah — The president of the United States essentially called black and brown countries “shitholes.” The Internet is aflame with outrage over his comments. There are already many calls to apologize, and there will be more to come. But let’s be real: U.S. media has long treated black and brown countries like “shitholes.” This TV-loving president is a product of a media culture that has systemically covered places…

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Trump Reopens an Old Wound for Haitians

Trump Reopens an Old Wound for Haitians

By Editors' Choice

An alleged comment by President Trump about Haiti and AIDS revived a stigma that goes back several decades. By Edwidge Danticat, The New Yorker — In the early nineteen-eighties, soon after cases of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (aids) were first discovered in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control named four groups at “high risk” for the disease: intravenous drug users, homosexuals, hemophiliacs, and Haitians. Haitians were the only ones solely identified by…

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U.S. President Donald Trump looks on during his meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani during the U.N. General Assembly in New York, US, September 21, 2017

Caribbean divided on recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel

By News & Current Affairs

BRIDGETOWN – Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries were divided Thursday on whether or not to support the decision by the United States to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. More than 100 members of the United Nations backed a non-binding resolution that called on President Donald Trump to reverse his decision to recognise Jerusalem even as Washington threatened it would not forget countries that support the resolution that read in…

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