Vantage Point Radio September 9, 2019 Edition of Vantage Point Topic The State of Urban Policy for Black America Host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor Special Guest Marc Morial…
A Special Edition of Vantage Point Recorded August 26th, 2019 Topic/Focus The Water Crisis in Newark: Creating a Safe, Just and Sustainable City Host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor …

By Kelly Wilkins, Media For Us — We spoke with cultural critic and one of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy, Henry Giroux, about his latest book, The Terror of the Unforeseen, in which he warns that the economic tyranny of neoliberal capitalism and a culture of cruelty and objectification set the stage for Trump’s rise and the emergence of fascism. This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. Media…
Vantage Point Radio Monday, August 19, 2019 Topic/Focus The Life and Legacy of Toni Morrison Host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor Special Guests Dr. Haki Madhubuti Author, Poet, President/CEO,…
Vantage Point Radio July 22, 2019, WBAI Fund Drive Edition of Vantage Point Radio Topic Overcoming White Nationalism Host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor Guest Dr. Leonard Jeffries World…
07/15/19 Edition of Vantage Point Radio — Host Dr. Ron Daniels talks with guests Bill Fletcher (Veteran Labor and Social Justice Activist, Author, Talk Show Host, Washington, DC), Earl Ofari Hutchinson (Author, Talk Show Host, President Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, Los Angeles, CA
) and callers about the state of the 2020 Presidential Race.

By St. Louis Public Radio — St. Louis-based hip-hop artist Kareem Jackson, who goes by the stage name Tef Poe, has often traveled across the world to share his musical…

By Esther Wang, Jezebel — The most widely discussed moment from last week’s Democratic primary debates was Kamala Harris’s pointed critique of Joe Biden’s defense of southern segregationists and his stance toward busing. That encounter—in which Harris shared her own story of being a young girl bused from her working-class neighborhood on the majority-black side of town to a predominantly white school in Berkeley Hills, and in which Biden appeared visibly flustered…
Report Back From the N’COBRA Convention and the State of the Presidential Race — Vantage Point Radio
7/08/19 Vantage Point Radio — Host Dr. Ron Daniels talks with guests Mashariki Jywanza (Co-Chairperson, N’COBRA, Indianapolis, IN), Kamm Howard (Co-Chairperson, N’COBRA, Chicago, IL), Rev. Mark Thompson (Talk Show Host, New York, NY) and callers about the N’COBRA Convention and the State of the Presidential Race

In a racialized economy, land trusts and cooperatives offer a lasting form of reparations, say activists. By Laura Flanders, Truthout — This year has already seen more Democrats talking about reparations than ever, including several running for the presidency. Now, rather than writing checks to individuals, more and more people are talking about collective strategies for repair and reparation. Community land trusts, cooperatives and mutual housing associations, for example, might…
July 1st Edition of Vantage Point Topics African Americans and Africa: A New Book What is Your Fourth of July to Me? The Frederick Douglass Alternative 4th of July Guests…

Originally published 6.19.19 by The Takeaway, WNYC Studios — On this Juneteenth, or June 19, we celebrate the end of slavery in the United States 154 years ago. Members of Congress chose this symbolic day to hold hearings on a reparations bill. The bill, if it passes, will establish a commission to determine whether — and if so, how — the US government owes anything to the descendants of enslaved people. To…