The Police Exercising Absolute Care With Everyone (PEACE) Act of 2022 would change federal law to state that a law enforcement officer may only use deadly force or less lethal…
The Police Exercising Absolute Care With Everyone (PEACE) Act of 2022 would change federal law to state that a law enforcement officer may only use deadly force or less lethal…
Recorded May 13, 2022, Baltimore, MD — Town hall meeting held during the three-day symposium Beyond “Reforming” the Police: Reimagining Public Safety and Law Enforcement in America” Engaging Black police…
Monday, February 14, 2022 — Special guest A.T. Mitchell, Founder and Executive Director, Man Up, Inc., joins the Professor Dr. Ron Daniels on Vantage Point. Topics: Re-imagining Public Safety and…
Warns against return to “Giuliani Style” policing Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) called on New York’s Mayor Eric Adams to convene…
Monday, February 7, 2022 — Special guest Mayor Ras J. Baraka joins the Professor Dr. Ron Daniels on Vantage Point. Topic #1: State of Newark Report With special guest Ras…
By Julianne Malveaux — Just one year ago, George Floyd was brutally murdered on the streets of Minneapolis at the hands of a rabid “law enforcement” officer who kept his…
By Sundiata Cha-Jua— The key to African American advancement and eventual liberation is the strength of the Black liberation movement. When the movement operates at high tide, it elevates all…
By Damon K. Jones— What the world witnessed at the Capitol Building was a total disregard of the law that cannot be classified as any less than Domestic Terrorism. Wednesday’s Domestic…
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Position Statement on Personal Protection for Frontline Workers in the Correctional Arena from COVID-19 By NABCJ — NABCJ is an affiliated organization of…
National African American Drug Policy Coalition Call for Papers and Panel Presentations Join NAADPC members, state chapters and affiliates of NAADPC in panel discussions, research sessions, and select presentations in…
Paul Butler talks about breaking the “chokehold” on African American men By Sam Fullwood III Early on, in his recently published book, Chokehold [Policing Black Men], Paul Butler states, “[c]ops…
As debate raged around health care and Russia-gate last month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions quietly held a “national summit” of law enforcement representatives to discuss the future of policing. Vice…