Dec 5, 2022 Edition of Vantage Point The Professor Dr. Ron Daniels on the soapbox addressing the critical issues of our time. Topics include: Ye’s Antisemitic Rant • Mayor Adams…

We all know that what people do tells you more about them than what they say. That’s true for politicians, too. By Ben Jealous — We see politicians who call…

By Ben Jealous — June is Pride month in the United States. In big cities and small communities, LGBTQ+ people and their friends, families, and allies will celebrate freedom and…

By Dr. Julianne Malveaux — June is Pride Month, commemorating the violent police raid on the Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969, when GLBTQ activists fought abusive police officers who…
Streamed live on Mar 17, 2020 Dr. Ron Daniels joined host Dr. Boyce Watkins for a discussion about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), reactions to the pandemic, the Black community, LGBTQ, the #MeToo movent and more.

By Benjamin Barber, Facing South — This year has seen the continuation of an alarming epidemic of violence against transgender people in the United States. At least a dozen transgender people have been killed already this year, most of them women of color, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Nine of these murders have occurred in the South — yet lawmakers in Southern states have continued to target the transgender community…

“I want a country where black people and LGBTQ individuals can walk freely. As a woman, I want to walk around without being afraid I’ll get raped.” By Gislene Ramos,…

By Melani McAlister, The Conversation — The close relationship between American evangelicals and Russia has lately been discussed widely in the news media. In particular, the Justice Department unsealed a criminal complaint in July against a Russian woman, Maria Butina, for trying to use the National Prayer Breakfast, a star-studded affair, as a “back channel of communication” with prominent American religious and political leaders. Among them is Franklin Graham, son of the well-known evangelist, Billy Graham…

By Monique Roffey, NYR Daily — On April 12, outside the Hall of Justice in downtown Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, the streets were alive with office workers going about their business, vendors hawking everything from CDs to shaved ice—the usual hubbub on a hot morning in the middle of the dry season. And yet, something unusual was taking place inside the Hall of Justice, and, as a result,…