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A quarter million Herero are estimated to live in Namibia today, with the population growing in recent years.

Why The Herero Of Namibia Are Suing Germany For Reparations

By News & Current Affairs, Reparations

By Daniel A. Gross — Mbakumua Hengari grew up in the 1970s on a farm in southern Africa, in what is today the nation of Namibia. The arid soil around his family’s homestead was sandy and grassy, a poor fit for staple crops, so he and seven siblings subsisted on a modest herd of cattle, sheep and goats. Hengari blames systematic racism for his family’s poverty — and he and…

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Namibian former Culture Minister Kazenambo Kazenambo stands by a statue of Chief Hosea Katjiku-Ru-Rume-Kutako as he speaks of talks and negotiations about the alleged genocide committed by German forces against Herero and Nama people in 1904.

Germany taken to U.S. court over request for reparations from Namibian people…

By News & Current Affairs, Reparations

The German government said Friday it had asked a US court to throw out a lawsuit brought by indigenous groups from Namibia seeking reparations for the genocide of their peoples under German colonial rule. It was the first time Berlin has formally responded to the class-action suit launched by the Herero and Nama people last year over the tens of thousands killed in the 1904-1908 massacres.

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