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Donald Trump arrives to speak the daily coronavirus briefing at the White House last Saturday.

The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life

By Commentaries/Opinions, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The president was aware of the danger from the coronavirus – but a lack of leadership has created an emergency of epic proportions. By Ed Pilkington and Tom McCarthy, The Guardian — When the definitive history of the coronavirus pandemic is written, the date 20 January 2020 is certain to feature prominently. It was on that day that a 35-year-old man in Washington state, recently returned from visiting family in…

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Chuck Schumer

Democrats Are Handing Donald Trump the Keys to the Country

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

The Senate coronavirus bill is shocking. By Zach Carter, Huffpost — The emergency coronavirus legislation that the Senate agreed to on Tuesday can only be described as an outrage. It is not an economic rescue package, but a sentence of unprecedented economic inequality and corporate control over our politics that will resonate for a generation. It represents a transfer of wealth and power to the super rich from the rest of us,…

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A protester wearing a "Black Lives Matter" earring chants slogans as she marches in Times Square in the Manhattan borough of New York City, during a protest against the death of Stephon Clark in Sacramento, California, U.S. March 28, 2018.

‘This is how you change politics’: How black activism is shaping 2020

By Editors' Choice

Black organizers continue to play a significant role in informing and driving policy within the Democratic Party. By Candice Norwood, PBS — In 2014, Kayla Reed was working as a pharmacy technician in St. Louis, Missouri, when news broke that an 18-year-old African American man named Michael Brown was fatally shot by a white police officer in nearby Ferguson. Brown’s death came amid other highly publicized killings of black people…

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Fox Business Network

Fox hosts Varney and Bartiromo look to Joe Biden to calm the stock market

By News & Current Affairs

By Justin Baragona, The Daily Beast — With the stock market experiencing record-setting drops on Monday morning that prompted trading to briefly halt, pro-Trump Fox Business Network hosts Stuart Varney and Maria Bartiromo turned their eyes to… uh… Joe Biden to boost the stocks. During Monday morning’s broadcast of Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co., the eponymous host wondered aloud whether the markets—plunging due to fear and uncertainty surrounding a coronavirus outbreak—could “see a bounce” in the…

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