Topics: A Measure of Justice in the Mohammed Bah Case, The Enslavement of Black Africans in Libya, The Stop Museveni Campaign and Crises Points in Africa, Crucial Election in Alabama: Will Black Votes Turn the Tide. Guests: Imam Talib Addur-Rashid (Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem, NY), Milton Allimadi (Editor/Publisher, Black Star News, New York, NY), Kambale Musavuli (National Spokesperson, Friends of the Congo, New York, NY) and State Senator Hank Sanders (Selma, Alabama).

By Latonya Linton, Jamaica Information Service — Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Pearnel Charles, says that compensation should be awarded for the many indignities heaped on the country’s ancestors during the period of slavery. He made the remarks during the Reparations Youth Baton Relay and Rally at Gordon House on November 21. Mr. Charles argued that the British Government felt that it was just to compensate the planters, who…

By: Earl Bousquet — To what extent are First Peoples, Indo-Caribbeans and Afro-South Americans involved in their own representations for reparations? Caribbean governments are seeking Reparations from Europe for Slavery…
Video Description: The violent massacres against the Caribs essentially wiped out the Indigenous populations of St. Kitts. Source — teleSUR
Slavery hasn’t gone anywhere but has been replaced by a more insidious system of psychological and systematic repression of Africans and people of African descent. On the International Day of…
August 23rd marks International Slavery Remembrance Day, but in the UK the day goes largely unnoticed. Yet that didn’t stop these people from holding the first-ever memorial in London’s Trafalgar…
This video documentary contains excerpts of speeches and lectures by various leaders of the global reparations movement.

The show’s fourth-season premiere, “Juneteenth: The Musical,” is a comedy. And a work of education. And an indictment. By Megan Garber, The Atlantic — This post contains spoilers for Season…

y Brandon Ellington Patterson — Last month’s torch-lit white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, a response to the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a public park, kickstarted a national dialogue about how communities should address this nation’s centuries-long history of violence and discrimination against African Americans. Democratic politicians and others, pushing back against the old arguments about maintaining our “heritage,” have called for the removal of additional Confederate statues and monuments…

Harvard Law Today — On September 5, at the opening of its Bicentennial observance, Harvard Law School unveiled a memorial to the enslaved people whose labor helped make possible the…