By Dr. Maulana Karenga — It is all there, the beginning of another myth-making drama of an America honestly engaged in coming to terms with its racist past and present,…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — It is all there, the beginning of another myth-making drama of an America honestly engaged in coming to terms with its racist past and present,…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — First there was a murky outfit calling itself Big League Politics that plastered all over the place Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s now infamous medical school yearbook shot of him horsing around in either a Klan outfit or Blackface or both. Then a pack of Virginia GOP legislators piled on and demanded his resignation for his supposedly dastardly racism. Then Trump jumped in with the inevitable tweet…
Today’s far-right populists relish the idea that they can be morally contemptible, yet still prevail. By Keith Kahn-Harris, The Guardian — The concept of “white supremacy” is having a moment right now, and understandably so. White resentment, entitlement and bigotry never went away, but it is closer to the political mainstream now than it has been for decades. The rhetoric of the likes of Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, Steve Bannon and…
By Brian J Purnell, The Conversation — A southern city has now become synonymous with the ongoing scourge of racism in the United States. A year ago, white supremacists rallied to…
The far right movement may seem all but dead, but a crop of political candidates are introducing ideas into the mainstream. Vegas Tenold, The Guardian — No one would argue that the last year hasn’t been a rough one for the white nationalist movement in America. In fact, a not insignificant number of column inches has been written about how the movement is all but dead. The leader of the…
Fox News anchors and high-profile politicians are now openly pushing the racism of the alt-right. The fringe movement’s messages have permeated the mainstream Republican Party. By Adam Serwer, The Atlantic — The year since the white-supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has been difficult for the rogues gallery of Nazis and pseudo-Nazis who championed it. Jason Kessler, one of the organizers, was practically run out of town and faces…
A year after white supremacists marched through the liberal city, Nikuyah Walker says the left needs less talk and more action. Interview by Lois Beckett, The Guardian — A year ago,…