By Malkia Cyril — In the wake of revelations that the personal information of as many as 87 million Facebook users was used by data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica in 2016 for…
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
By Malkia Cyril — In the wake of revelations that the personal information of as many as 87 million Facebook users was used by data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica in 2016 for…
By Allison Kite — Concerned about the plight of black people in her Missouri district, a Democratic state senator on Tuesday called for reparations for former slaves and criticized her own party for taking African American votes for granted. Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, criticized white Democrats, such as U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, saying there’s “no difference” between them and Republicans. Both parties, she said, have failed black people. “Neither…
Epsy Campbell Barr is the first black, female vice president in Latin American history. Epsy Campbell Barr has just made history. The Costa Rican economist, politician and author is the first…
By Tanvi Misra — This will “give us a better sense of who black people are, where we are, and what we hope and dream for,” says Alicia Garza, the…
Newark As Model City Initiative — Tuesday, April 3, 2018 the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) convened a National Town Hall dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin…
April 9th Edition of Vantage Point Topic Remembering King: Report Back from Newark and Memphis Guests Dr. Michael Roberts, Chairman/CEO, The Roberts Companies, St. Louis, MO Willie Barney, President/Facilitator, African…
By Donald Yacovone — There it sat on a library cart with fifty other elementary, grammar, and high school history textbooks, its bright red spine reaching out through time and…
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad — As Women’s History Month comes to an end, we at the Racial Wealth Divide Initiative think it is important to reflect upon how racial economic inequality…
What is euphemistically referred to as “modernity” is marked with the indelible stain of what might be termed the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism, with the bloody process of human bondage as the driving and animating force of this abject horror. By Gerald Horne — The years between 1603 and 1714 were perhaps the most decisive in English history. At the onset of the seventeenth…
By Nicholas Powers — It’s hard to watch. Guns aimed at the dark. Loud yells. Loud salvo. Night drizzle in the tactical lights. Cops mistook his cell phone for a gun. I know already, he’s dead. I finished watching the video of Stephon Clark’s murder. Days later, White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders labeled it a “local matter.” President Trump has stripped Obama’s mild federal oversight of police and left…
Freedom on the Move from Cornell University is the first major digital database of fugitive slave ads from North America. By Allison Meier — Readers of the May 24, 1796 Pennsylvania Gazette found an advertisement offering ten dollars to any person who would apprehend Oney Judge, an enslaved woman who had fled from President George Washington’s Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon. The notice described her in detail as a “light mulatto girl, much freckled, with very…