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Summation of February 22, 2020 IBW21 Pan African Unity Dialogue (PAUD) Meeting

Summation of February 22, 2020 IBW21 Pan African Unity Dialogue (PAUD) Meeting

By News & Current Affairs, PAUD News

There is no way to describe the February 22nd Malcolm X Commemorative Session of the Pan African Unity Dialogue but AWESOME! We had a full house with more than 75 PAUD Participants and Special Guests in attendance. Given the current state of affairs with IBW, including intensive plans for the March 7th Rally, the Summation will synopsize some of the major highlights of this extraordinary Session: After Invocation by Mary France Daniels and Welcome by Estela Vazquez…

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Reggae legend Bob Marley talks with James G. Spady at the United Nations in New York City on June 15, 1978.

Remembering a cultural historian and hip-hop scholar whose ‘Spady School’ reshaped the lives of Penn students

By Editors' Choice, News & Current Affairs

By Valerie Russ, The Philadelphia Inquirer — It had no classrooms, no courses, no credits, and a faculty consisting of just one man of uncertain academic credentials who carried his books and papers in plastic grocery bags. But around the University of Pennsylvania campus, Spady School was said to change lives. For 40 years, James G. Spady, best described as an independent scholar, set out a movable feast for hungry…

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