Kim Foxx, the Illinois State’s Attorney for Cook County, announced that her office is set to expunge thousands of misdemeanor cannabis convictions in the coming months. By Ny Magee, The…
In three decades of advocating for prison abolition, the activist and scholar has helped transform how people think about criminal justice. By Rachel Kushner, New York Times — There’s an anecdote that Ruth Wilson Gilmore likes to share about being at an environmental-justice conference in Fresno in 2003. People from all over California’s Central Valley had gathered to talk about the serious environmental hazards their communities faced, mostly as a…
By Red Heartland — Nancy Pelosi burned newcomer Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) once again on Monday. This time in hopes of bursting AOC’s “special” ego, Pelosi dropped a condescending remark…
A Fundraising Tribute to Don Rojas with Prof. Sir Hilary Beckles as Guest Speaker, Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Dr. Ben Chavis and Several other Prominent Public Figures to Present Solidarity Greetings. The event is Saturday, May 11 from 4 to 7 pm and open to the public at House of the Lord Church, which is located at 415 Atlantic Avenue and Bond St. (Take the A train to Hoyt/Schemerhorn).
Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 that paid up to $300 for every enslaved person freed. By Tera W. Hunter, New York Times — On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed. That’s right, slaveowners got…
By Tim Libretti, PoliticusUSA — We might as well crown Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the Don Draper of the beltway—because there’s no mistaking that she has fundamentally re-shaped political conversation in…
By Ben Jervey, DeSmogBlog — The fossil fuel industry regularly deploys manipulative and dishonest tactics when engaging with communities of color, often working to co-opt the respect and authority of minority-led groups to serve corporate goals. That is according to a new report, “Fossil Fueled Foolery,” published today by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which outlines the top 10 manipulation tactics that the group’s members and…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — In this month, we rightly turn toward Memphis and the martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King and again towards the enduring message and meaning of…
By Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., Times — During an interview with Chris Rock for my PBS series African American Lives 2, we traced the ancestry of several well-known African Americans. When…
February 23, 2019, New York, NY — Pan African Unity Dialogue (PAUD) Malcolm X Commemorative Meeting. Special Guests Congresswoman Karen Bass and H.E. Fatima Kyari Mohammed, African Union Ambassador to the United Nations.
The debate on when it is relevant to apologize and pay reparations for misdeeds and human rights violations tells us that the past is never dead. By Jorge G. Castañeda,…
By Thalif Deen, IPS — UNITED NATIONS, Apr 12 2019 (IPS) – The civic space in several African countries, including Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia, Sudan, Mozambique, Somalia and Eritrea, is gradually shrinking…