By W. T. Whitney, CounterPunch — The comment overflowed with enthusiasm: “June 19 will be remembered as a day of the people and will be a moment of celebration for democracy ……
By W. T. Whitney, CounterPunch — The comment overflowed with enthusiasm: “June 19 will be remembered as a day of the people and will be a moment of celebration for democracy ……
This is Black Music Month and we share again these sensitivities, thoughts and practice of Blackness as music and magic at the highest and deepest level. By Dr. Maulana Karenga…
By Julianne Malveaux — Juneteenth, or June 19, 2022, was marked with fireworks and concerts, parades, and proclamations, a big difference from Juneteenth a year ago when President Biden signed…
By Ben Jealous — June is Pride month in the United States. In big cities and small communities, LGBTQ+ people and their friends, families, and allies will celebrate freedom and…
By Ben Jealous — The young man who murdered 10 people in Buffalo, New York on May 14, was out to kill Black people. He chose a grocery store because…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — America is in crisis, having become `a society against itself, moving from massacre to massacre seemingly with a mad hatter’s moral compass and a woefully…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — Yet again, we are confronted with another radically evil act of mass murder of our people, this time in Buffalo, New York, nine out of…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — On behalf of the African American Cultural Center (Us), we send greetings of solidarity and increased and continuing struggle to all African peoples throughout the…
Faced with racist crimes such as the Tops shooting, some Black Americans consider a time-honored option: emigration. By Karen Attiah, The Washington Post — Accra, Ghana — In 1961, 93-year-old…
Capitalism is pushing to expand on the backs of working masses who can tolerate no more hardship and deprivation. By William I. Robinson, Truthout — The world has entered an…
Retracing the descent of replacement theory into racial terror By Anthony Conwright, AAPF — On March 12, Donald Trump issued a warning to his followers during an anti-critical race theory tirade:…