By Dr. Maulana Karenga — If we are to rightfully remember Min. Malcolm, we must seriously grasp and practice what he so meticulously taught us about valuing our lives, our…
Main port on the island of Goree a major point of embarkation during the slave trade. By John Torpey, Forbes — The issue of reparations for African-Americans is back in…
The US is becoming more diverse and progressive, but white men’s grip on power is being exercised via the courts, gerrymandering and dark money in politics. By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian — The exercise of political power by legislative majorities of white, male elected officials in ways that disproportionately exclude or harm women and people of color is such a familiar part of the American political landscape that it sometimes…
The seeds of Trump, Brexit and Modi’s success were sown by endemic racism and unfairness. Tackling that is the answer By Gary Younge, The Guardian — The morning after both Donald Trump’s victory and the Brexit referendum, when a mood of paralysing shock and grief overcame progressives and liberals on both sides of the Atlantic, the two most common refrains I heard were: “I don’t recognise my country any more,” and…
By Julianne Malveaux — The College Board, the organization that develops and administers the SAT test, has developed a new “adversity score” to augment the widely used college admissions examination….
After Republicans lost their first election in 1856, the nineteenth-century Nate Silvers were happy to declare the antislavery movement a radical, fringe idea. Four years later, Abraham Lincoln won on…
For decades particularly throughout the Cold War, African nations chose a side among the competing global powers. At the height of Soviet-American tensions in the 20th Century, African leaders felt…
Part. 1. By Dr. Maulana Karenga — During both the Holocaust of enslavement and the era of segregation, leaving the plantation was a metaphor, mental process and actual practice of freedom. It…
Part. 2. By Dr. Maulana Karenga — The insistence on calling our righteous and relentless struggle by its rightful name, The Black Freedom Movement, instead of the Civil Rights Movement,…
By Roger House, The Hill — The black American demand for reparations over slavery and segregation has gained attention in political circles recently. How it emerged as a topic of federal policy…
By Christine Buckley, UConn Today — Last month, Georgetown University’s undergraduate students voted in favor of a referendum to voluntarily charge each student a fee to be paid into a…
CIA public archives show the objective of U.S. policymakers, regardless of the political party, is to monitor the activities of foreign nations, particularly resource-rich ones. By T.J. Coles — In…