Pastor Donnie McClurkin
This past week, popular preacher, recording artist and pastor, Donnie McClurkin, went on record to declare his deep disappointment with what he sees as pastoral abuses in the body of Christ.
By Jacob Sullum|
Last March Mother Jones, which usually inveighs against the war on drugs, discovered its inner prohibitionist, warning that “More Cocaine Could Soon Be on Our Streets, Thanks to the Sequester.”
By Robert Parry
American pundits are missing the bigger point about the Republican shutdown of the U.S. government and the GOP’s threatened default on America’s credit.

Whatever the result of the current governmental stalemate, one thing is certain: The ongoing crisis of workers in general and the African American working class and poor in particular will continue unabated.
By Liliana Segura
I don’t know how many times I heard the same robotic voice speak these words since last fall. I was researching the story of Timothy McKinney, a Memphis man facing his third death-penalty trial for the killing of an off-duty police officer in 1997.
Former Cape Verde President Pedro Pires and current St. Vincent Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves will be the two keynote speakers at the upcoming Institute of the Black World symposium on “Democracy & Development in Africa & the Caribbean” to be held at the historic Metropolitan AME Church in Washington DC on Oct. 17 & 18.
By Maya Schenwar Twenty years ago, when acclaimed neuroscientist Carl Hart began studying drugs, he was motivated by a desire to help communities like the one in which he grew…
Trayvon Martin was never going to get justice from a courtroom of the United States government. Justice for Trayvon and for the hundreds of other Black women, men, and children executed by someone employed or protected by the US government on a daily basis…
Like many Americans my sleep was troubled last night, troubled by the ghosts of past injustices, a feeling given fresh currency by a late-hour not guilty verdict from Sanford, Florida that freed George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.

The Supreme Court Decisions of the past two days severely narrowing the application of “race” in achieving “diversity” at colleges and universities and the gutting of Section 4 of the historic…