Photo: Dr. John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control
Partnership Between the Constituency for Africa (CFA), Harvard, John Hopkins and Other Leading Institutions and Diaspora Organizations to Work with the Africa Centers for Disease Control on the COVID-19 Response
The Constituency for Africa (CFA), will partner with leading USA and Diaspora organizations on solutions to help address the COVID-19 situation in Africa. This will be in collaboration with Dr. John Nkengasong who is the Director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control which is based inside the African Union headquarters in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
To launch the initiative, a virtual/video conference meeting with Dr Nkengasong has been organized to take place on Tuesday, May 5th, from 10 am to 12pm (Eastern Time). Participants are expected from across the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and across the African continent.
The purpose for the virtual meeting will be to discuss how Africa is responding to the COVID-19th global pandemic that has paralyzed the entire world, and ravaged economic systems globally causing more than 2.7 million infections and over 190,000 deaths (according to latest data from John Hopkins University).
Much of the impact since the onset of the pandemic which began in Wuhan, China has been felt in much of Asia, Europe and in the United States. However, the fear is that Africa may soon be greatly affected, and will be unable to adequately cope due to its fragile economies and health structures.

Constituency for Africa Engages Diaspora with the Africa Centers for Disease Control on the COVID-19 Response in Africa – May 5
The Director of Africa CDC, Dr. John Nkengasong, will be the principle speaker for the meeting. He will be briefing participants on the impact that COVID-19 is having in Africa, and what the African Union and African States are doing to respond. He will also propose actions that the Diaspora can take to assist the Africa CDC and African States to generate a response to this crisis.
In addition to Dr. Nkengasong, CFA has invited Congresswoman Karen D. Bass (D-CA), who is the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Chair of the House of Representative’s Sub-Committee on Africa and Global Health, to provide some remarks. This will be followed by a panel discussion involving leading global health and diaspora leaders from Harvard, John Hopkins and hundreds of diaspora organizations to discuss strategies for mediation.
Join the video conference meeting using your computer/tablet/smartphone from anywhere using this link
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Source: AllAfrica.