By Jesse Jackson — Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, is being blackballed — itself a revealing phrase — from the National Football League with the…
By Jesse Jackson — Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, is being blackballed — itself a revealing phrase — from the National Football League with the…
American Shame: Colin Kaepernick is jobless for thought crime By William Boardman — To watch America’s structural racism at work, one need look no further than the National Football League…
On Wednesday August 23rd, people gathered at the offices of the National Football League [NFL| in Manhattan NYC. By some accounts 3-4 thousand people attended. The rally was in support of quarterback, Colin Kaepernick who refused to stand for the Star Spangled Banner prior to the beginning of the football game but instead choose to kneel rather than pay homage to the flag that represents the racism which is so prevalent against the Black population in the United States, especially in the murder of Black people by police, a crime that goes unpunished. As a result of his doing…
Topics: NYPD and FBI Surveillance of Muslim Mosques, Standing with Colin Kaepernick, Trump and Aftermath of Charlottesville, The Life and Legacy of Dick Gregory. Guests: Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, New York, NY and Mark Thompson, Host, Make It Plain, SIRIUSXM, New York, NY
The Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) Stands with Colin Kaepernick IBW Calls on Baltimore Ravens fans to urge team to hire him Baltimore, Aug. 3 —…
The NFL has the power to enforce their take it or leave it imperium on players, fans and politicians. By Earl Ofari Hutchinson Forget all the little teases about this…