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Terri L. Crawford with Senator Nina Turner

Protecting Democracy – An Interview with Sen. Nina Turner

By Editors' Choice

By Terri L. Crawford, JD, The Omaha Star — “Moreover, he shall speak for you to the people; and he will be as a mouth for you …” — Exodus 4:16 As the voice of the people, the Nebraska Democratic Party Black Caucus’ mission is to promote the involvement of Blacks in the political process and the activities of the party at the local, state, and national level. The Caucus…

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‘Hundreds of thousands are in prison for selling drugs because prosecutors maintained they were poisoning the community – but in Flint, where the whole community was poisoned, not one official was punished.’

I believe black Americans face a genocide. Here’s why I choose that word

By Editors' Choice

Consider the physical, financial, mental, even spiritual deaths inflicted on black Americans. By Ben Crump, The Guardian — In the weeks since the release of my book, Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People, the question I’ve been asked most often is whether my use of the word genocide in the title was meant to be intentionally provocative, rather than reflective of reality. Surely, genocide is too strong a word…

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Stephen Miller is no outlier. White supremacy rules the Republican party

Stephen Miller is no outlier. White supremacy rules the Republican party

By Commentaries/Opinions

Republican voters made Trump the white-supremacist-in-chief. That’s why a resignation from Miller wouldn’t change much. By Cas Mudde, The Guardian — This week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published a bombshell article revealing troubling emails that White House senior policy advisor Stephen Miller sent to editors at Breitbart News, the far-right media outlet previously led by Steve Bannon. The emails, which were leaked by former Breitbart editor Katie McHugh and predate Miller’s period…

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London Breed

San Francisco: Mayor has easy reelection; vaping on ballot

By News & Current Affairs

By Associated Press — After a bruising fight last year to become San Francisco’s mayor, London Breed faces token opposition on Tuesday’s ballot as she struggles to find solutions to the city’s homelessness crisis, drug epidemic and a housing shortfall that have put the politically liberal city in the national spotlight. The former president of the Board of Supervisors and San Francisco native narrowly won a special June 2018…

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Williamson focuses on reparations in first ad of presidential campaign

Williamson focuses on reparations in first ad of presidential campaign

By Reparations

By Marty Johnson, The Hill — Democratic presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson on Wednesday released her first television ad of her campaign. The ad is titled “Reparations — An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” As the 60-second spot’s name suggests, the commercial is centered around one of Williamson’s main issues of focus: reparations for American descendants of slavery. When asked in the commercial why she supports reparations, the Democratic longshot answers, “I’ve been talking…

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Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s Biggest Mistake

By Commentaries/Opinions

It rhymes with ‘schneo-liberalism.’ It was an economic disaster and a political dead end. It was an economic disaster and a political dead end. In the early days of his presidency, Barack Obama had the power to overhaul the economy, but instead he focused on smaller, less effective fixes. By Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times — In 2009, Barack Obama was the most powerful newly elected American president in a generation. Democrats controlled the House and, for about five months in the second half of the year, they enjoyed a filibuster-proof, 60-vote majority in the Senate. For the first six months of his presidency, Obama had…

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