By Dr. Julianne Malveaux — Our nation’s 45th President is dead set on a trade war. He has increased tariffs on goods produced in China, and he has now indicated…
How the legacy of Jim Crow haunts Trump’s America By Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, The New Republic — This April, PBS aired a groundbreaking documentary series on the fate of Reconstruction—and therefore of Black America. Featuring more than 40 scholars (myself among them) and Black descendants of key figures in Reconstruction’s history, this copiously researched chronicle also doubles as a powerful and chilling window on to our own age of violent and resurgent white nationalism.
Rock Newman Show — With reparations, gentrification, issues like the Mueller Report and rising calls for president Trump’s impeachment making headlines. We’ll share an illuminating discussion of the “Politics of the Unusual” with political scientist Dr. Ron Daniels, president of “The Institute of the Black World 21st Century”. Comments: Share your thoughts or read comments made by others about this episode of the Rock Newman Show on the Rock Newman…
The seeds of Trump, Brexit and Modi’s success were sown by endemic racism and unfairness. Tackling that is the answer By Gary Younge, The Guardian — The morning after both Donald Trump’s victory and the Brexit referendum, when a mood of paralysing shock and grief overcame progressives and liberals on both sides of the Atlantic, the two most common refrains I heard were: “I don’t recognise my country any more,” and…
“If major tax increases are off the table, there is no way to pay for a $2 trillion infrastructure plan, it’s that simple.” By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams — With President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders set to meet Wednesday to discuss a possible $2 trillion infrastructure package, a progressive advocacy group on Monday warned that any proposal that doesn’t include significant tax hikes on the rich and corporations “will…
Ben Carson Humiliates Himself At Hearing As Member Of Congress Has To Explain How HUD Works By Jason Easley, PoliticusUSA — Rep. Porter made the mistake of asking Carson about the interest rate curtailment schedule at FHA, and Ben Carson had no idea what she was talking about. Carson asked the House member who was supposed to be conducting oversight to explain how his agency works to him. Video Rep.…
Part. 2. By Dr. Maulana Karenga — The insistence on calling our righteous and relentless struggle by its rightful name, The Black Freedom Movement, instead of the Civil Rights Movement,…
In the week we remember the Holocaust, a darkness has fallen across America. We must take steps to reverse it By Michael Lerner, Salon — Holocaust Memorial commemorations around the…
Mueller Report Reveals How Black Activists, White Tears and Racism Helped Trump Become President. By Michael Harriot, The Root — Hidden in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-public but heavily-redacted “Report On The…
Biographer David Blight on Douglass’ lessons for us: “White supremacy does not die … it revives in new forms.” By Chauncey DeVega, Salon — Black History Month, which has…
By Amie Parnes, The Hill — The most competition for black voters’ support in recent memory is set to take place among the candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s nomination to take on President Trump. African-American voters for years have been a key constituency in the Democratic race, helping to assure former President Obama’s and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s nominations in 2008 and 2016, respectively. But the fight this year…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — “I told Trump that the rally looked vanilla on television. Trump responded, ‘That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.’ “Name one country…