Many ardent conservatives are critical of the Affordable Care Act or what they derisively call “Obamacare.” But what are they proposing that proves that they care about uninsured Americans?
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
Many ardent conservatives are critical of the Affordable Care Act or what they derisively call “Obamacare.” But what are they proposing that proves that they care about uninsured Americans?
By Sheila A. Bedi, The Daily Beast
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to introduce a mandatory prison sentence for anyone caught with an illegal firearm. But reams of data shows that incarceration creates more crime.
By Eleanor J Bader, Truthout | Book Review
Historian Barbara Winslow’s fascinating portrait of trailblazer Shirley Chisholm (1926-2005) offers activists and organizers an inside look at one woman’s political ascent.
By Andrea Germanos
On Monday, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson warned that the impoverished nation was “descending into complete chaos before our eyes.”
The holiday season is here. In millions of homes across the country, loved ones are missing from holiday celebrations, parents are longing for the warm embrace of a son or daughter, siblings are reminiscing of times past, and children are longing for their moms and dads.
By Steve Patrick Ercolani
Since 1996, hundreds of thousands of longtime U.S. residents have been sent back to their native countries for small, non-violent infractions—and without courtroom trials.
By Nicole Flatow, ThinkProgress
A year ago this time, when President Obama issued presidential mercy to one lucky turkey, he hadn’t exercised this presidential pardon a single time that year to spare a human being facing prison.
People look through boxes of food during a food distribution by the Food Bank of the Southern Tier Mobile Food Pantry on June 20, 2012 in Oswego, New York. The mobile food pantry program was introduced in 2007 in the Southern Tier of New York and covers nearly 4,000 predominately rural miles.
This is an excerpt of a town hall meeting held at the Resurrection Community Methodist Church in Philadelphia, Pa. on November 22, 2013. The title theme of the town hall meeting, sponsored by the INSTITUTE OF THE BLACK WORLD 21st CENTURY (IBW), was “Time to Heal Black Families & Communities.