Calculating the Damage from a Century of Drug Prohibition. By Alfred W. McCoy, TomDispatch — We live in a time of change, when people are questioning old assumptions and seeking…
The school still needs to approve the referendum before it could take effect. By Beatrice Peterson, Rachel Scott, Erica Y King and Christen Hill, ABC News — Georgetown University could…
4/15/19 Vantage Point Radio – Host Dr. Ron Daniels and guests Paradise Gray (Co-Founder of X-CLAN, Pittsburgh, PA) and Jasiri X (Founder of 1Hood Media Center, Pittsburgh, PA (invited)) discuss the legacy of Nipsey Hussle and righteous rappers past and present.
By Talib Kweli Greene, Medium — In January of 2018, Steve Bannon, the architect of’s alt right rise to the Trump White House, a man who told a gathering…
The National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Participants Emerge Determined to Preserve and Rebuild Black Communities Organizers Outline Elements of an Action Agenda Synopsis of the Proceedings April 4-6, scores of…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — There are two stories that regularly make the rounds about men like Nipsey Hussle. The one story that should be routinely told, pointed to, and held up for all is the colossal refutation of the gangster and thug image much of the public holds of men such as Nipsey. Yet, this never gets more than passing mention. It took the massive media…
Rather than making concessions to bigots, politicians must confront them. It’s the only way to end the violence. By Gary Younge, The Guardian — On 19 April 1995, Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring another 684, in the deadliest act of domestic US terrorism to date. A white supremacist, among other things, he was radicalised by what he…
By examining scientific papers, correspondence between naturalists, and the records of slaving companies, historians are now seeing new connections between science and slavery and piecing together just how deeply intertwined they were. By Sam Kean, Science Magazine — At the dawn of the 1700s, European science seemed poised to conquer all of nature. Isaac Newton had recently published his monumental theory of gravity. Telescopes were opening up the heavens to…
By Jordain Carney, The Hill — Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said on Monday that he will introduce legislation creating a commission to study the issue of granting reparations to African-Americans….
Is a united Africa, freed from the legacy of colonialism, possible? The Pan-African movement has been advocated by many different voices, underpinned by a belief in the common destiny of the peoples of Africa. By Hakim Adi, History Today — It is more than 60 years since the All-African Peoples Conference convened in Accra, Ghana in 1958. It was a notable event in the history of Pan-Africanism. Organised by two…
April 8th Edition of Vantage Point Radio Program Focus Report Back from the National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Newark Town Hall Meeting on Gentrification Gentrification: The Negro Removal Program of…
By Julianne Malveaux — Betsy “Devoid” (of good sense), also known as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, is an aberration, an abomination, an abscess on the complexion of educational policy and…