Corporate media has airbrushed the catastrophic NATO intervention out of its coverage of Libyan slavery crisis. By Gregory Shupak, AlterNet — A viral video of a slave auction in Libya…
Corporate media has airbrushed the catastrophic NATO intervention out of its coverage of Libyan slavery crisis. By Gregory Shupak, AlterNet — A viral video of a slave auction in Libya…
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! — On Saturday morning, Senate Republicans passed a nearly 500-page tax bill that will have dramatic impacts not only the U.S. tax code, but also…
By Sir Hilary Beckles — Circumstances are rapidly maturing that are demanding our conception of the need for both a new style International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a 21st century…
By Angel “Monxo” López Santiago — Maria and Irma, 2017’s two most destructive hurricanes in the Caribbean basin, have exposed the trappings and inequalities of colonialism in the region. The hurricanes have blown away decades of legal and international maneuvers and ruses, local constitutions, and moves towards autonomy and integration and administrative reclassifications—leaving exposed a simple colonial truth. Such reclassifications have deemed these islands everything from overseas territories (such as…
What motivated women to vote for a misogynist candidate? By Kate Manne, Oxford University Press — The following is adapted from the new book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne (Oxford University Press, November 2017), available for purchase from Amazon and IndieBound. Cut now to Hillary Clinton, whom many people not only disliked and mistrusted but also expressed visceral disgust for during her 2016 presidential campaign. One such was Donald Trump, who didn’t want to…
By Zenobia Jeffries — When the media publish articles that explicitly talk about race and racism — calling out or calling in White people — sometimes people get upset. “They’re…
The reparation movement in the Caribbean encompasses modern-day demands. Photo: Reuters The symposium was very deep and wide in its breadth of topics and discussed the matter of reparatory justice…
By Rep. Cedric L. Richmond Chairman, Congressional Black Caucus — If you’ve been to a Black Lives Matter rally or tweeted the related hashtag recently, then the FBI might consider…
By Conor Lynch, Salon — In response to the recent leak of 13.4 million files from two offshore service providers earlier this week, which documents how the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations avoid paying taxes on their fortunes, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., warned that the world is quickly becoming an “international oligarchy.” “The major issue of our time is the rapid movement toward international oligarchy in which a handful of…
Black women are getting the job done, but getting none of the credit. By Kali Holloway, AlterNet — It’s curious, though fairly predictable, that most postmortems of the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races seem to gloss over the fact that Democrats lost the white vote. More specifically, Democrats lost white women, the same demographic of so-called values voters whose majority support for Donald Trump proved collectively that its most cherished value…
By Medea Benjamin — On Wednesday, November 8, just as President Trump was clinching new business deals with the repressive Communist government of China, the Trump administration announced its new rules rolling back President Obama’s opening with Cuba. The new regulations restricting travel and trade with the Caribbean island will make it once again illegal for Americans to travel to Cuba without a special license from the Treasury Department and…
By Bill Mosley — By now the botched, indifferent response of the Trump administration to Hurricane Maria’s devastation in Puerto Rico has been well-documented. President Trump’s insulting tweets about Puerto Rican officials,…