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Editors’ Choice

Meharry's students and staff have worked together to conduct drive-thru testing and screening for the coronavirus. Meharry Medical College

Black scientists hope to begin testing antiviral drug for coronavirus in two weeks

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

Meharry Medical College President James Hildreth has been advocating for advanced or pre-emptive screening in black neighborhoods for weeks. By Curtis Bunn, NBC News — Meharry Medical College was founded in 1876 in Nashville, Tennessee, to teach medicine to former enslaved Africans and to serve the underserved. Now, in one of its laboratories, a scientist says he is two weeks away from testing an anti-virus to prevent COVID-19, the disease…

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This image is found on the M4BL COVID-19 demands webpage.

The Antidote to COVID-19 is the Movement for Black Lives Policy Platform of Demands

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

By White People 4 Black Lives (WP4BL) — Amidst the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, the national Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) has put forth a set of urgent policy demands. White People 4 Black Lives wholeheartedly endorses M4BL’s policy demands, and we pledge to fight for them — and against, in the words of M4BL’s platform preamble,the “the tragic and unnecessary theft and loss of Black life.” As white people, we…

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Cuban doctors prepare to leave for Italy to provide medical aid.

Cuba’s Coronavirus Response Is Putting Other Countries to Shame

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

Cuba is caricatured by the Right as a totalitarian hellhole. But its response to the coronavirus pandemic — from sending doctors to other countries to pioneering anti-viral treatments to converting factories into mask-making machines — is putting other countries, even rich countries, to shame. By Ben Burgis, Jacobin — Last week, the MS Braemar, a transatlantic cruise ship carrying 682 passengers from the United Kingdom, found itself momentarily stranded. Five of…

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Chuck Schumer

Democrats Are Handing Donald Trump the Keys to the Country

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Editors' Choice

The Senate coronavirus bill is shocking. By Zach Carter, Huffpost — The emergency coronavirus legislation that the Senate agreed to on Tuesday can only be described as an outrage. It is not an economic rescue package, but a sentence of unprecedented economic inequality and corporate control over our politics that will resonate for a generation. It represents a transfer of wealth and power to the super rich from the rest of us,…

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Reggae legend Bob Marley talks with James G. Spady at the United Nations in New York City on June 15, 1978.

Remembering a cultural historian and hip-hop scholar whose ‘Spady School’ reshaped the lives of Penn students

By Editors' Choice, News & Current Affairs

By Valerie Russ, The Philadelphia Inquirer — It had no classrooms, no courses, no credits, and a faculty consisting of just one man of uncertain academic credentials who carried his books and papers in plastic grocery bags. But around the University of Pennsylvania campus, Spady School was said to change lives. For 40 years, James G. Spady, best described as an independent scholar, set out a movable feast for hungry…

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