A Fundraising Tribute to Don Rojas with Prof. Sir Hilary Beckles as Guest Speaker, Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Dr. Ben Chavis and Several other Prominent Public Figures to Present Solidarity Greetings. The event is Saturday, May 11 from 4 to 7 pm and open to the public at House of the Lord Church, which is located at 415 Atlantic Avenue and Bond St. (Take the A train to Hoyt/Schemerhorn).
The National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Participants Emerge Determined to Preserve and Rebuild Black Communities Organizers Outline Elements of an Action Agenda Synopsis of the Proceedings April 4-6, scores of…
APRIL 5, 2019, NEWARK, NJ — Panelists from across the country shared their perspectives on the nature of the crisis and offered ideas for countering the devastating assault on Black communities.
The “Negro Removal” Program of the 21st Century National Town Hall Meeting to Assess the Crises of Gentrification in Black America WATCH: The Town Hall Meeting streamed live from the…
Hosted by the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls and the Women’s Collective to End Incarceration of Women and Girls. Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 28th-30th, 2018 On September…
WED.JUNE.13 (Philadelphia, PA) — A Community Town Hall Meeting: Are Safe Drug Injection Sites Safe for the Black Community? The Issue: Mayor Jim Kenny, District Attorney Larry Krasner and drug policy reform advocates are promoting the idea of creating sites where drug users can take drugs under medical supervision. They believe this will reduce the harm that drug users might inflict on the community. Those who are opposed to safe injection sites, including States Attorney General Josh Shapiro, warn that this is simply encouraging rather than discouraging people to use drugs. We invite you to attend/participate in a Town Hall Meeting to hear about and discuss this very important issue.
National Town Hall Meeting A National convening in collaboration with women across the nation who have been impacted by the Criminal Justice system and leaders who are engaging in gender-responsive,…
Thursday, May 17, 2018 at York College, Queens NY — Dr. Ron Daniels final campus/community lecture titled “Toward a More Perfect Union, Finishing the Unfinished Black Freedom Struggle”.
4/3/18, Newark, NJ — A National Town Hall Meeting Focusing on Mayor Ras J. Baraka’s Quest to Make Newark A Model City. Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Mountaintop Speech. Keynote Speaker, Danny Glover, Convened by IBW21, Hosted by Mayor Ras J. Baraka.
Video: Danny Glover Delivers the Keynote Speech at the National African American Reparations Commission’s (NAARC) Benefit Reception held at Southern State University at New Orleans on Thursday, November, 30 2017.
Michael “Quess” Moore’s spoken word performance at the National African American Reparations Commission’s (NAARC) Benefit Reception held at Southern State University at New Orleans on Thursday, November, 30 2017.