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Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama

The Deep History Behind Barack Obama’s Speech for the Centennial of Nelson Mandela’s Birth

By Editors' Choice

By Olivia B. Waxman, TIME — When Barack Obama delivers the 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg on Tuesday, to mark this week’s centennial of the late anti-apartheid champion Nelson Mandela’s birth, the moment will be a deeply personal one for the former president. His speechwriter Ben Rhodes has said that Obama considers it to be the most important speech since leaving office, and Obama has written that his political awakening…

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In his first major speech since leaving office, Obama decries inequality and ‘strongman politics’

By Editors' Choice, Video/Audio

Former President Barack Obama delivers his first major speech since leaving office, addressing inequality and other issues at the 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg, South Africa. Video via Time. A written commentary by Summer Meza and an article by Jelani Cobb (In Celebrating Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama Indicts Trumpism).

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Special Features on the June 25th Edition of Vantage Point with Dr. Ron Daniels

By Vantage Point Radio, Video/Audio

Topics: Background, Vision, Mission of York College/CUNY, New York • Democracy and Development in Africa: Prospects for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Kenya • The Legacy of Ancient African Civilizations: The ASA Restoration Project in Egypt. Special Guests: Dr. Marcia Keizs (President, York College/CUNY, NY), Emira Woods (Former Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C.) and Anthony Browder (Renowned Author, Egyptologist and Archeologist, Washington, D.C.)

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Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier Jr., the chief of staff for U.S. Africa Command, at the Pentagon on May 10. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)

The future is African — and the United States is not prepared

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Salih Booker and Ari Rickman, The Washington Post — Salih Booker is the executive director of the Center for International Policy. Ari Rickman is a research fellow at the Center. Beginning in 2035, the number of young people reaching working age in Africa will exceed that of the rest of the world combined, and will continue every year for the rest of the century. By 2050, one in every…

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The Second Sight of W.E.B. Du Bois

By Editors' Choice

By Chris Hedges, — Chris Hedges gave this talk Friday at the Left Forum in New York City. W.E.B. Du Bois, more than any intellectual this nation produced in the first half of the 20th century, explained America to itself. He did this not only through what he called the “color line” but by exposing the intertwining of empire, capitalism and white supremacy. He deftly fused academic disciplines. He possessed unwavering…

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Digital Revolution Holds Bright Promises for Africa

By Editors' Choice

By Eleni Mourdoukoutas — UNITED NATIONS, May 25 2018 (IPS) – Internet penetration is creeping up in Africa, bringing the prospect of digital dividends to a continent long marked by digital divides. “Africa has reached a penetration which has broken the barrier of 15 %, and that’s important,” says Nii Quaynor, a scientist who has played a key role in the introduction and development of the internet throughout Africa. He…

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Salissou Hassane Latifa, the latest Ms Geek Africa winner, has devised an app that promises to help accident victims. Photograph: Courtesy of Kigali Today

Brilliance overtakes beauty as Ms Geek Africa spotlights tech genius

By News & Current Affairs

Long noted for its progressive stance on equality, Rwanda is the birthplace of a contest that champions female tech wizards. By Lauren Gambino, The Guardian — After years of women in evening gowns vying for the title of national beauty queen, glamour is giving way to geekery in Rwanda. A group of female tech entrepreneurs decided it was time to ditch Miss Rwanda for a different kind of competition, one that…

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