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American Politics

A protester wearing a "Black Lives Matter" earring chants slogans as she marches in Times Square in the Manhattan borough of New York City, during a protest against the death of Stephon Clark in Sacramento, California, U.S. March 28, 2018.

‘This is how you change politics’: How black activism is shaping 2020

By Editors' Choice

Black organizers continue to play a significant role in informing and driving policy within the Democratic Party. By Candice Norwood, PBS — In 2014, Kayla Reed was working as a pharmacy technician in St. Louis, Missouri, when news broke that an 18-year-old African American man named Michael Brown was fatally shot by a white police officer in nearby Ferguson. Brown’s death came amid other highly publicized killings of black people…

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Fox Business Network

Fox hosts Varney and Bartiromo look to Joe Biden to calm the stock market

By News & Current Affairs

By Justin Baragona, The Daily Beast — With the stock market experiencing record-setting drops on Monday morning that prompted trading to briefly halt, pro-Trump Fox Business Network hosts Stuart Varney and Maria Bartiromo turned their eyes to… uh… Joe Biden to boost the stocks. During Monday morning’s broadcast of Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co., the eponymous host wondered aloud whether the markets—plunging due to fear and uncertainty surrounding a coronavirus outbreak—could “see a bounce” in the…

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Bernie Sanders

Another bad night for Sanders leaves his campaign with limited options

By News & Current Affairs

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout — The March 10 primaries were not a complete wipeout for Bernie Sanders and his presidential campaign. He secured a win in North Dakota and clings to a slim lead in Washington State. For the Vermont senator, the good news ends there. Joe Biden won four of the six states in play on Tuesday with Washington State still outstanding, along with the lion’s share of delegates. The anticipated aria from the Democratic establishment and the “news” media…

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Political cartoonist Thomas Nast's 1871 depiction of New York City's Boss Tweed, an inspiration for today's elite political class.

The Political Elite vs Bernie

By Commentaries/Opinions

Bernie Sanders stands alone now, save for his grassroots army, and facing him are the politically elite of the Democratic Party, both black and white, Wall Street, and the corporate media. By Joseph B Atkins, Labor South — Back at the beginning of the 20th century, muckraking journalist Charles Edward Russell noticed how U.S. senators, as a political class, all seemed to look alike. “Well-fed and portly gentlemen, almost nobody…

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