The launch of Black Voices for Trump felt like any other Trump rally. By Nathalie Baptiste, Mother Jones — The election is one year away, the impeachment inquiry is heating…
The launch of Black Voices for Trump felt like any other Trump rally. By Nathalie Baptiste, Mother Jones — The election is one year away, the impeachment inquiry is heating…
The Brennan Center’s report authors said as the 2020 election cycle heats up, election administrators must be transparent about how they’re deciding what names to remove from the rolls. By…
WASHINGTON (NBC News) — Working to prove himself to African American voters, Pete Buttigieg is releasing an 18-page plan Thursday to improve conditions and opportunity for black Americans on everything from the health care, education and criminal justice systems to entrepreneurship and access to credit. The wide-ranging plan constitutes Buttigieg’s initial version of a proposal for reparations for slavery. His campaign says it views it as a “complement” to H.R. 40, legislation working…
By Benjamin Barber, Facing South — As Republican lawmakers in Southern states continue their efforts to undermine the influence of a diverse electorate, Democratic presidential candidates are calling for new reforms to combat discriminatory voting policies and practices. Since the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and ended federal preclearance of election-law changes in places with a history of voting discrimination, state…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — At first glance, Trump’s assertion that Blacks won’t and shouldn’t vote for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden because he backed the 1994 crime bill…
Mueller Report Reveals How Black Activists, White Tears and Racism Helped Trump Become President. By Michael Harriot, The Root — Hidden in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-public but heavily-redacted “Report On The…
National African American Reparations Commission Applauds Recent Statements of Interest by 2020 Presidential Contenders Calls on all the Candidates to Support HR-40 Download/Print PDF or DOC version of this…
By Amie Parnes, The Hill — The most competition for black voters’ support in recent memory is set to take place among the candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s nomination to take on President Trump. African-American voters for years have been a key constituency in the Democratic race, helping to assure former President Obama’s and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s nominations in 2008 and 2016, respectively. But the fight this year…
By Jon Jeter, Truthout — Sen. Cory Booker’s announcement on February 1 that he is entering the 2020 presidential race brings the number of African-American Democrats seeking their party’s nomination to two, making the crowded primary field the “most diverse in history,” according to The New York Times. But while The New York Times, cable news and other liberal pundits exult in the White House bids of Booker and California’s junior U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, African…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — It was repeatedly said as fact in 2016 and it’s being said again. Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders has a big problem with black voters; namely that he can’t get many of them. Like any other political non-truism that poses as a sacred political truism it was nonsense then and it is even more nonsensical now. When Sanders won the 2016 Wisconsin…
By Bruce Hartford, Civil Right Movement Veterans — Note: This brief time-line describes an American history of oppression, persecution, and discrimination in regards to voting rights. But in all of the events described here, those affected were not submissive or passive victims, – rather they fought for their rights with whatever means they had. Similarly, much of this short summary consists of legislative and legal milestones. But those laws and…