By: Trymaine Lee— In this moment of national reflection and reckoning with the vile vestiges of white supremacy in America, and on the heels of the most racist administration in a generation, President-elect…
By Marc Morial, President Nat. Urban League — Each year the National Urban League issues a State of Black America® with specific indicators on the progress or lack thereof for…
By: Isheka N. Harrison— The topic of reparations was discussed heavily during the Democratic primary presidential race in 2019. The HR 40 bill, which seeks to create a commission to…
NowThis releases a powerful video on HR-40 featuring interviews with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Dr. Ron Daniels, Convener of the National African Reparations Commission. See video below Watch Video…
By Ella Lee, USA Today — The claim: Kamala Harris said she’ll place a federal tax on homes to pay for reparations Since she was chosen, misinformation about Democratic vice…
Why We Can’t Wait: Pass HR-40 Now! Vantage Point Articles & Essays By Dr. Ron Daniels Madame Speaker, with a Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives and one of the…
The poison that resides in the soul of America is being exposed in this moment of proclamation that Black Lives Matter. It is in this moment that U.S. Congresswoman Sheila…
The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC), a national reparations education and advocacy body, has commended California’s Gov. Gavin Newsome for signing a law on Wednesday, Sept. 30 that will establish a task force to study the state’s role in slavery. Gov. Newsome said that coming in the wake of…
The country needs truth-telling and acceptance of our moral, legal, political, and sociocultural responsibilities. By Joyce Hope Scott, BU Today — This is a transformative moment in history in the United States as well as in the rest of the world. Despite myths of a post-racial society as a result of many positive social transformations, we are today again forced to examine our inheritance of America’s great sin—slavery and its…
Streamed September 6, 2020 — A Labor Day Weekend Conversation on Reparations with the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC). Hosted by Fund for Reparations NOW! (FFRN!) Participants Include: David…
The legacy of slavery is far from resolved. It persists every day and everywhere. By David Gardinier and Karen Hilfman, The Boston Globe — Since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis by a white police officer, and the resounding anti-racist uprisings around the world, the concept of reparations has picked up momentum in national conversations and has sparked new public curiosity and interest. Among Black people and their ancestors,…
By Danny Glover United Nations Ambassador for the International Decade for People of African Descent, Board Member Institute for Policy Studies — The public lynching of George Floyd pierced deep into the “souls of Black folks” compelling a thorough-going examination of the flawed foundation, values, systems and symbols of white supremacy and structural/institutional racism in these United States. A massive Black Lives Matter-led, multiracial, cross-generational movement has erupted in cities large…