The genealogy company has digitized and published 38,000 newspaper articles from between 1788 and 1867—before Black Americans were counted as citizens in the U.S. census. By Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian —…
The genealogy company has digitized and published 38,000 newspaper articles from between 1788 and 1867—before Black Americans were counted as citizens in the U.S. census. By Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian —…
Cameroonian scientist Marie Makuate has been at the forefront of using information harvested by satellites to help save the lives of people on Earth in emergencies, but she argues the…
Cattle may have been imported from Africa centuries earlier than historians thought. By Andrew Curry, AAAS — Think “cowboy,” and you might picture John Wayne riding herd across the U.S….
A major DNA study has shed new light on the fate of millions of Africans who were traded as slaves to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Source…
By Rachel Treisman, NPR — NASA released the first batch of images from the James Webb telescope this week, wowing the world with never-before-seen views of ancient and distant galaxies. The approximately…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — The marking this year of International Mother Earth Day calls on us again to pause and think deeply about the well-being of the world and…
Scientists investigated whether genetic data collected from 50,000 volunteers lined up with historical shipping manifests. By Alex Fox, Smithsonian Magazine — A sweeping survey of more than 50,000 people’s DNA…
What we learned from COP26 By Justin Worland, TIME — The overarching narrative emerging from COP26 is complicated. The deal that emerged—the Glasgow Climate Pact—wasn’t universally celebrated, nor was it…
The American Psychological Association has perpetuated racism for decades. By Nicole Chavez, CNN — The country’s leading scientific and professional psychology organization has issued a formal apology to communities of color for…
Scientists say they have traced the world’s 6,000 modern languages — from English to Mandarin — back to a single “mother tongue,” an ancestral language spoken in Africa 50,000 to…
Rupa Marya and Raj Patel’s Inflamed argues that the human cost of our economic system is a key to understanding the health of the world. By Sarah Jones, The Nation…
Research center needed urgently to address Trans-Generational Epigenetic Injury By Kamm Howard National Co-Chair of N’COBRA and NAARC Commisioner Transgenerational Epigenetics is a new field of science, about 15 years…