An estimated 380,000 people have been killed in South Sudan, where most of the weaponry in the civil war is small arms. The job of CAR is to find out…
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
An estimated 380,000 people have been killed in South Sudan, where most of the weaponry in the civil war is small arms. The job of CAR is to find out…
By The Daily Observer — In a surprising bit of news, we learned that the the University of the West Indies (UWI) will receive £200 million in cash and kind from…
Today’s far-right populists relish the idea that they can be morally contemptible, yet still prevail. By Keith Kahn-Harris, The Guardian — The concept of “white supremacy” is having a moment right now, and understandably so. White resentment, entitlement and bigotry never went away, but it is closer to the political mainstream now than it has been for decades. The rhetoric of the likes of Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, Steve Bannon and…
Human Rights Watch report blames restrictive insurance policies, lack of physicians and poverty for failure to treat cervical disease. Jessica Glenza, The Guardian — Cervical cancer, a disease researchers believe is on track to be eradicated within 20 years in some industrialized nations, is killing a disproportionate number of women across the American south. Black women in Alabama are dying of cervical cancer at more than twice the national average, a trend…
Scotland should take responsibility for the major and highly lucrative role it played in the transatlantic slave trade. By Elliot Ross, Al Jazeera — The late Jamaican-British intellectual Stuart Hall liked…
A new Brookings/Gallup report finds residential property in majority-black neighborhoods is consistently undervalued. By Patrick Sisson, Curbed — Black Americans, long accustomed to facing more hurdles on the road to homeownership, may consistently find their investments in residential property undervalued, according to a new joint Brookings Institution and Gallup study. According to “The devaluation of assets in black neighborhoods: The case of residential property,” owner-occupied homes are undervalued by the real estate market across…
#Consumers2Creators: How African-Americans Are Dominating The Digital World By Pursuing A ‘For Us, By Us’ Mentality. By Brianna Rhodes, Blavity — Nielsen’s 2018 report, “Consumers to Creators: The Digital Lives of Black Consumers”, revealed that 54 percent of African-Americans are 34 and younger, meaning the majority were born and raised in the era of rapid digital media advancements. The report makes a case that a “Black Renaissance” is…
The nooses and signs were found one day before the U.S. Senate runoff. State Capitol police took the nooses and signs down and are investigating. By Morgan Howard, WLBT Jackson, MS — Seven nooses and several signs were found at the Mississippi State Capitol Monday, prompting more nationwide attention and outrage ahead of Tuesday’s election. Early Monday morning, two nooses were found at the Capitol. According to the Associated Press, five more…
Topics: Slave Conditions In Sugar Land: The Modern Convict Lease System • A New Social Contract for Jobs and Working People • Preview of New York African Diaspora International Film Festival. Guests: Cathy Albisa (Exec.Dir., National Economic and Social Justice Initiative, New York, NY), Atty. Darryl Scott (Social Justice Advocate, Houston, TX) and Maurice Carney (Exec. Dir., Friends of the Congo, Washington, D.C.)
The Jamaica Gleaner — Vice Chancellor of The University of the West Indies (UWI) Sir Hilary Beckles has reported that The University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom (UK) is planning to pay reparations for £200 million (approximately J$34 billion) taken from the Caribbean. According to Beckles, who recently returned from the UK, “The University of Glasgow has recognised that Jamaican slave owners had adopted the University of Glasgow as…
The violent theft of land and capital is at the core of the U.S. experiment: the U.S. military got its start in the wars against Native Americans. By Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz,…
“The modern capitalist world would not exist without colonialism and the drain,” says Indian economist Utsa Patnaik By Sean Bell, Common Space — BRITAIN impoverished India over the course of its…