Private prisons have for years enriched themselves by exploiting detained immigrant labor. They must be held accountable. By Azadeh Shahshahani, The Guardian — In 2017, officials at the Stewart immigration detention…
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
Private prisons have for years enriched themselves by exploiting detained immigrant labor. They must be held accountable. By Azadeh Shahshahani, The Guardian — In 2017, officials at the Stewart immigration detention…
Christopher Wylie told Congress that the firm engaged in “voter disengagement” tactics and targeted black Americans By Rachel Leah, Salon — Christopher Wylie, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower and a former employee…
International Meeting on Reparations Caracas, May 8th – 10th, 2018 DECLARATION We, activists, scholars, government representatives and social movements, gathered in the city of Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from…
By Joseph Vogel — Few have inspired the Movement for Black Lives as much as James Baldwin. His books that plumb the psychological depths of U.S. racism, notably Notes of a…
The latest from the legendary filmmaker, which made its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, features a David Duke character who sounds awfully familiar to Donald Trump. By Richard Porton, The…
The Poor People’s campaign kicked off 40 days of nonviolent protest on Monday, reviving King’s anti-poverty efforts and demanding action. By Lauren Gambino — Hundreds of low-wage workers, faith leaders, civil rights organizers and liberal activists were arrested in demonstrations in Washington and in cities across the US on Monday as they resumed the work Martin Luther King left unfinished. Fifty years after King launched the Poor People’s Campaign against economic inequality, militarism…
Topic/Premium – By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm X, Real, Not Re-imagined. Guests – Professor James Small (Coordinator, Annual Malcolm X Pilgrimage, New York, NY) and Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid (Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem, NY)
May 6th, 2018 – Confronting head-on America’s war economy and militarism, the necessity of non-violent moral dissent, moral resistance and moral vision is the theme of this powerful speech delivered…
Tian Chen, The Pathfinder International — On Chinese New Year’s Eve, a group of Chinese friends and I were feasting on dumplings in Cape Town while watching the CCTV Chinese…
By Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez, Truthout — Institutional racism caused me to have a medical emergency a month after giving birth to my son. The emergency was entirely preventable. Following the birth,…
Angry young white men, the “incel rebellion” and an age of worldwide reaction. By Conor Lynch, Salon — If there is one thing that seems to unite the most extreme political…