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The white nationalist plot to destroy America

The white nationalist plot to destroy America

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Ryan Cooper, The Week — In popular discourse, white nationalists are often portrayed as super-patriots — people who worship America and all it stands for. But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Take the instance of white nationalist terrorism in El Paso over the weekend. The culprit — following in many footsteps before him — apparently wrote and posted online a screed which fulminated against a “Hispanic…

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Protests and lawsuits against North Carolina's notorious anti-transgender "bathroom bill" have led to a legal settlement that's being hailed by human rights advocates. But lawmakers in other states are continuing to target the transgender community with discriminatory proposals.

Southern lawmakers continue attacks on transgender people amid crisis of violence

By Editors' Choice

By Benjamin Barber, Facing South — This year has seen the continuation of an alarming epidemic of violence against transgender people in the United States. At least a dozen transgender people have been killed already this year, most of them women of color, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Nine of these murders have occurred in the South — yet lawmakers in Southern states have continued to target the transgender community…

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Sudanese students protest in the capital Khartoum on July 30, 2019, a day after students were shot at a rally against shortages of bread and fuel in al-Obeid,

Sudan suspends all schools after students killed during protests

By News & Current Affairs

By Sharif Paget, Hande Atay Alam, Nada Altaher and Bukola Adebayo. (CNN) — Authorities in Sudan have suspended all schools beginning on Wednesday after street protests turned deadly, according to state news agency SUNA. “The Secretary General of the Federal Government Bureau, Siddiq Gumaa Babal-Khair, has directed the caretaker Walis (governors) of States to suspend education at all the school levels as of Wednesday,” SUNA reported, citing a directive of…

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Alicia Barcena

Latin America – Caribbean GDP expected to decline: 0.5 percent in 2019 vs 0.9 percent 2018

By News & Current Affairs

Santiago, Chile – The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) expects economic growth in the region to continue to decline, due to an international context of greater uncertainty and complexity, and weak performance by investment, exports, and consumption. This is the outlooks of the annual Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019, announced this week by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional…

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Eric Garner on left, Patrick Crusius, the El Paso shooter on the right.

Why Do White Mass Killers Always Seem to Live Another Day?

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Connor Betts, the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio is an anomaly. He is an anomaly not because he murdered nine persons less than 24 hours after Patrick Crusius massacred 20 in El Paso. He is different because he was gunned down by Dayton police. That’s not the usual pattern. The pictures of Crusius being gently handcuffed and calmly being talked to by arresting officers after…

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