By Axel Honneth — Not since the end of the Second World War has the dissatisfaction with social and political consequences of capitalism been greater. Yet, unlike previous periods of…
By Axel Honneth — Not since the end of the Second World War has the dissatisfaction with social and political consequences of capitalism been greater. Yet, unlike previous periods of…
African Unity and Reparatory Justice Keynote Speech Delivered by Hon. Samia Yaba Nkrumah, President of the Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Centre on October 10th, 2017, at the Launch of the Centre…
By David Gespass, Justice Initiative International — Lenin argued that, even after a revolution, the former ruling class still controls most of a country’s wealth and its ideology still pervades….
Puerto Rico is getting the coverage it deserves, but an entire region has been upended by natural disasters this hurricane season. By Gabriela Thorne — When Hurricane Irma swept through the Caribbean in early September, the focus was not the damage wrought on the islands but on the fact that it would soon hit Florida. Then came Jose. Then came Maria. In the span a few of weeks, the Caribbean was devastated by three hurricanes…
By T.J. Coles, Clairview Books — In the early 1970s, the Nixon administration pushed to eliminate what neoliberal advocates call “needless barriers to competition.” This was particularly true of the financial sector, where restrictions on local bank branches, prices for deposits (so-called regulation Q) and compartmentalization (i.e., allowing the interconnection of commercial, savings and insurance) were lifted.
By Santhia Rodriguez, Daily Beast — I call these my hurricane diaries. We got shelter inside the refinery where we work after harassing one of the big bosses. But it’s…
By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet — With the crazed assault in Las Vegas that killed over 50 and wounded hundreds as only the most recent example, America’s gun violence problem has…
By William Rivers Pitt — It is amazing how quickly and willingly so many people, when pressed by a discomforting situation, will take on a societal self-policing role that favors…
What Is in Your Backpack? We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest Verene A. Shepherd, Social Historian 47th Congressional Black Caucus Reparations Issue Forum Friday, September 22nd, 3:00 – 5:00 PM…
As our country becomes more diverse, our racial wealth gap means it’s also becoming poorer. By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Chuck Collins — America’s middle class is under assault. Since 1983, national median wealth has declined by 20 percent, falling from $73,000 to $64,000 in 2013. And U.S. homeownership has been in a steady decline since 2005. While we often hear about the struggles of the white working class, a driving force behind…
With people of color projected to make up the majority of Americans by 2043, a new study warns against policies that keep many black and Latino households out of the middle class. By Julia Conley — A new study finds that if the racial wealth divide is left unaddressed, the median wealth for black Americans will fall to $0 by 2053, with Latino Americans reaching the same median wealth two decades later. According to the report by…
By Raul Castro — Hurricane Irma, with its destructive power, battered our island for 72 hours, beginning the morning of September 8 until this Sunday afternoon. With winds that surpassed 250 kilometers per hour on occasion, it crossed the north of the country from Baracoa – hit hard by another phenomenon of this type almost a year ago – to the outskirts of Cárdenas. However, given its immense size, practically no province was spared its effects.