The democratic socialist champions underrepresented groups. So far they’ve voted, en masse, for his rival. By Adam Harris, The Atlantic — Two years ago, Bernie Sanders journeyed south to trace…
The democratic socialist champions underrepresented groups. So far they’ve voted, en masse, for his rival. By Adam Harris, The Atlantic — Two years ago, Bernie Sanders journeyed south to trace…
Under the U.S.’s for-profit health system, the epidemic is not being treated like the public emergency it is. By Joel Segal & Harvey Wasserman, Truthout — A critical factor accelerating the spread of coronavirus in the United States is our lack of universal health care. As we debate the costs of providing medical treatment for all, and as the virus tears through the fabric of our society, it’s become clear…
Bernie Sanders stands alone now, save for his grassroots army, and facing him are the politically elite of the Democratic Party, both black and white, Wall Street, and the corporate media. By Joseph B Atkins, Labor South — Back at the beginning of the 20th century, muckraking journalist Charles Edward Russell noticed how U.S. senators, as a political class, all seemed to look alike. “Well-fed and portly gentlemen, almost nobody…
By PoliticusUSA — International Women’s Day is on Sunday. It will remind us that women who lead get things done. This is true even if at the moment in America,…
By Dr. Julianne Malveaux — Few in these United States had heard of Katherine Johnson, the gifted mathematician who finished high school and college at 18. How could we know…
By Ted Glick — There are silver linings to the February 29-March 3 political tsunami that vaulted Joe Biden ahead of Bernie Sanders, and the race is far from over,…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — It is a fundamental tenet of Kawaida philosophy that practice proves and makes possible everything, that is to say, practice brings it into being, makes…
By Donne Levy, AlterNet — America is a deeply divided nation. That fact may be the only thing that Americans of all racial, ethnic, and political groups can agree about. A Washington…
Economic justice was always central to Martin Luther King Jr.’s agenda. But society has moved backward on that issue since his death. By Michael K. Honey, Time — When Memphis sanitation workers went on strike in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. knew they had a lesson to teach America. “You are reminding the nation,” he told attendees at a March 1968 rally there, “that it is a crime for people to live…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — This is tambiko for Min. Malcolm X, an offering of words and water in reverent remembrance of his legacy-rich life, his jihad of righteous self-raising…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Bernie Sanders railed loud and long in 2016 that the Democratic Party’s system of superdelegates and the superdelegates themselves were stacked against him. He was…
Moderates and progressives have a lot to lose by ignoring each other on this crucial question. By Thomas B. Edsall, NYT — Can Democrats diminish the bigotry that Donald Trump has unleashed in this country? Stung by the success of Trump’s anti-immigrant, racist campaign themes in 2016, left-of-center advocacy groups — think tanks, unions, progressive academics and Democratic consultants — are developing tools this year to counter the continuing Republican…