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Editors’ Choice

Voters register at a polling station in Manhattan, New York, on November 6, 2018.

Flat Broke, Black Voters Want More Than Just Another Black President

By Editors' Choice

By Jon Jeter, Truthout — Sen. Cory Booker’s announcement on February 1 that he is entering the 2020 presidential race brings the number of African-American Democrats seeking their party’s nomination to two, making the crowded primary field the “most diverse in history,” according to The New York Times. But while The New York Times, cable news and other liberal pundits exult in the White House bids of Booker and California’s junior U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, African…

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Jay Speights, an interfaith leader who lives in Rockville, Md., made an accidental discovery last year: He is an African prince.

‘I’m a prince’: After years of searching for family history, a pastor discovers royal ties to Africa

By Editors' Choice

By Marissa J. Lang, The Washington Post — It was about 4 a.m. when his phone buzzed with a message from far away. He read it once, twice, three times before he woke his sleeping wife to tell her the news. “I’m a prince,” he whispered as she blinked herself awake. “A prince.” Jay Speights, an interfaith pastor from Rockville, Md., could hardly believe the words as he formed them…

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A new Urban Institute report shows that capital in Baltimore flows along the city's historic racial redlining patterns

Are Reparations Baltimore’s Fix for Redlining, Investment Deprivation?

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The solutions to Baltimore’s inequitable financing problems must be as radical as the policies that segregated the city in the first place, says Lawrence Brown. By Brentin Mock, City Lab — On December 19, 1910, the city of Baltimore passed an ordinance that a New York Times writer called “the most remarkable … ever entered upon the records of town or city of this country.” The ordinance made it illegal for any…

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Donald Trump

Trump Is the Real National Emergency

By Editors' Choice

The president is using his executive power not to address a legitimate crisis, but to satisfy a political goal. By Matt Ford, The New Republic — President Donald Trump has announced that he will sign the compromise spending bill struck between Democrats and Republicans this week, which will avert another government shutdown and provide $1.375 billion for new barriers along the southern border. Unhappy with that amount—he had requested $5.7 billion from…

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Henrietta Hilton, front left, daughter of tenant farmer William Hilton, and her fellow students, are seen in their ninth grade classroom in Summerton, S.C., June 4, 1954.

Race, Not Abortion Was the Founding Issue of the Religious Right

By Editors' Choice

Though opposition to abortion is what many think fueled the powerful conservative white evangelical right, 81 percent of whom voted for Donald Trump, it was really school integration, according to Randall Balmer, chairman of the religion department. By Margery Eagan, The Boston Globe — Here are some facts that might surprise you. In 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, the biggest white evangelical group in America, the…

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Donna Brazile speaks at the inauguration of New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell in New Orleans on May 7, 2018.

Brazile: We Need ‘Some Reconciliation’ for African-Americans in U.S.; Follow South Africa Model

By Editors' Choice, Reparations

By Nicholas Ballasy, PJ Media — WASHINGTON – CNN political analyst April Ryan, Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks, said past U.S. presidents like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush refused to formally “apologize for slavery” because it would lead to some form of reparations for descendants of slaves. “In my first book, I tackled the issue of reparations as a healing, as a possible healing, asking people……

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Dancing and singing to forget the pain of Syria's conflict

The Right to Reparation: Laudable Goal or Empty Promise?

By Editors' Choice

Human rights activists argue that victims of mass atrocities have a right to reparations, but the international community still struggles around how to fulfill this right.
By Bojan Gavrilovic, Open Global Rights — While criminal justice is clearly an irreplaceable part of any transitional justice arrangement, reparation is at least equally important—but often forgotten. Criminal trials are generally ill-suited for awarding reparation…

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