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Impeaching Trump Is Not An Option — Yet

By News & Current Affairs

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson – Few subjects have been more hotly debated, scrutinized, and endlessly rehashed, than whether #45 can or will be impeached. A deluge of petitions has been circulated online, and tens of thousands of signatures have been gathered for his removal. The issue of a Trump impeachment roared back on the public and media plate at a recent anti-Trump tax disclosure rally in Washington D.C. where speaker after speaker called for his head by way of impeachment.

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Trump & Friends’ War on African American Women

By News & Current Affairs

By Adele M. Stan – A pattern is emerging in the administration’s scandal-defense playbook: Go after black women. It’s no secret that a toxic combination of misogyny and racism helped Donald J. Trump win the presidency. Never mind dog whistles and code—Trump proudly displayed his contempt for women and non-white people throughout his campaign. But another likely helper to that victory was one whose involvement Trump and his allies would prefer to have kept under wraps: the government of Russia, a U.S. adversary.

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