Video: This Is America & The World with Dennis Wholey. Dennis Wholey speaks with Ambassador Paul G. Altidor from the Republic of Haiti. Their conversation goes far beyond recent headlines concerning…

The young revolutionaries of the 1979-83 era, at home and abroad, have all grown into advanced adulthood. It’s still quite uncertain why Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell has again set March 13, the anniversary date of the 1979 Revolution led by Maurice Bishop, as the date for a general election in the three-island state he rules over – Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.

The announcement of the March 13 election date on January 28 gave Grenadian voters and political parties only 45 days to prepare. By Earl Bousquet — Grenadians are getting ready to head to the polls in just six weeks. Voters have been registering to cast their ballots and a host of political parties have nominated candidates for the 2018 poll after the Government set the next General Elections for March…

Barbados has made another step towards the goal of obtaining regional reparations. Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS) — This step comes as members of the island’s Reparations Task Force recently presented Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, Stephen Lashley, with an official report on arguments in support of reparations, in his Ministry’s Conference Room at Sky Mall. After receiving the document, Lashley noted that he was very pleased to see…

By Tina Renier — “The presence of a group of African sell-outs is a part of the definition of underdevelopment.”- Walter Rodney Last year, Professor Rupert Lewis, a prominent Caribbean intellectual, was invited to provide a teach-in session on anti-establishment strategies in the 1960s and 1970s at the University of the West Indies, Mona in Jamaica. In the introduction of his presentation, he posed a crucial question to the participants:…
Reparations was the focus of the 2018 Sparer Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law). This video is of a panel discussion “The Caribbean Claim for Reparations…

By Douglas Mcintosh — Students across the region are learning about the ills of slavery and the issues surrounding reparations through the CARICOM Reparations Youth Baton Relays. The relays have been staged in Barbados, Guyana, Suriname and St. Lucia, as well as in Antigua and Barbuda. The exchange of the baton from Antigua to Jamaica took place on October 10. The Jamaica leg was spearheaded by the National Council on Reparation (NCR), which falls under the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat.

By: Tina Renier — Poor economic opportunities and poverty create a ripple effect of other social problems such as crime and violence. A well-renowned Jamaican reggae singer, Bob Marley once sang, “many more will have to suffer… many more will have to die… don’t ask me why”. ‘Natural Mystic’ is not just a grand spectacle of entertainment. ‘Natural Mystic’ symbolically describes a contemporary world that is plagued by war, disease…

Editors Note: Below is a sampling of statements of condemnation from black organizations and individuals in Africa, the Caribbean and Black America 1/4 HAITI: Caribbean Dignity Unbowed. Regional Headquarters, Kingston,…

The Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) adds its outrage to the global condemnations of the vile and racist insults targeting African people across the world that recently…

By: Earl Bousquet — What’s in store for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in 2018? And what’s the future for actual cooperation ties between Latin American and Caribbean states?…

Claudia Gardner Mayor of Montego Bay and Chairman of the St. James Municipal Corporation, Councillor Homer Davis (left), accepts the Flames of Freedom Emancipation Torch from Javon Mendis of Maroon…