By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — At a news conference, Trump went on record saying, “that would be OK with me.” What is “OK” with him is that the one to…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — At a news conference, Trump went on record saying, “that would be OK with me.” What is “OK” with him is that the one to…
SACRAMENTO (CBM) – Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego), chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus, has introduced, a new bill, AB 3121. It calls for setting up a task force to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. “Existing law,” the language of the legislation reads, “requests the Regents of the University of California to assemble a colloquium of scholars to draft a research proposal to analyze the economic…
Economic justice was always central to Martin Luther King Jr.’s agenda. But society has moved backward on that issue since his death. By Michael K. Honey, Time — When Memphis sanitation workers went on strike in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. knew they had a lesson to teach America. “You are reminding the nation,” he told attendees at a March 1968 rally there, “that it is a crime for people to live…
In fact, Black activists and civil rights leaders have been advocating for compensation for the trauma and cost of slavery for centuries. By Mohammed Elnaiem, JSTOR Daily — In July…
February 29, 2020, Atlanta, GA — Dr. Ron Daniels will be in Atlanta for a signing of his new book “Still on This Journey: The Vision and Mission of Dr. Ron Daniels” and a conversation on Reparations, Gentrification, the Presidential Election, 2020 The Year of Marcus Mosiah Garvey and State of the Black World Conference V.
By Darrel Thompson, CLASP — Reparations for descendants of enslaved Black people have been discussed on and off at least since the end of the Civil War. But the conversation…
Resolving the debt inequality between white and black students. Editor’s note: Black students are more likely than their peers to borrow money for college, struggle with repayment and default on…
By Allison G. Lee and Contributing Writer Kevin A. Simauchi — Panelists at a Harvard Kennedy School event Friday urged the U.S. government to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves, calling it a moral responsibility. Harvard Law School Professor Randall L. Kennedy and Cornell W. Brooks, the former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, spoke to a crowd of roughly 100 at the event.…
The great abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass died 125 years ago. Jacobin published never-before-transcribed articles from Frederick Douglass’ Paper denouncing capitalism and economic inequality. By Matt Karp — Everyone…
An anti-African, anti-black-immigrant stance is shortsighted. As we celebrate Black History Month, we should not divide the black community. By Kevin Cokley, USA Today — Should African American/black identity be defined…
Managing race relations from above. By Adolph Reed Jr., The New Republic — On September 18, 1895, Booker T. Washington gave his famous address to the Atlanta Cotton States and…
“Culture, Class, and Consciousness” Host Jen Marie Pollard interviews J.A.M. Aiwuyor. Also See Understanding ADOS: The Movement to Hijack Black Identity and Weaken Black Unity By Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor…