By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — It started a week or so before the Republican National Convention opened when several major police unions rousingly backed Trump’s reelection bid. The union’s fervor…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — It started a week or so before the Republican National Convention opened when several major police unions rousingly backed Trump’s reelection bid. The union’s fervor…
President Woodrow Wilson told Black leaders, ‘Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.’ He was one in a long line of racist American presidents. By Stephen A. Jones and Eric Freedman — The fury over racial injustice that erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s killing has forced Americans to confront their history. That’s unfamiliar territory for most Americans, whose…
By comparing white supremacy in the U.S. to the caste system in India, her new book at once illuminates and collapses a complex history. By Sunil Khilnani, The New Yorker — As the summer of 1958 was coming to an end, Martin Luther King, Jr., was newly famous and exhausted. All of twenty-nine years old, he had been travelling across the country for weeks promoting his first book, “Stride Toward…
America’s past was shaped by slavery. To live up to American’s ideals, we must trust in a Black vision of the future, Pharrell Williams writes. Pharrell Williams with Michael Harriot,…
United Nations (IPS) — As it continues to vociferously preach the virtues of equality—advocating equal rights for all, irrespective of race, sex, language or religion– the United Nations has been quick to condemn racism and racial discrimination worldwide. But how hypocritical is it when racism raises its ugly head in its own backyard— particularly in Geneva which, ironically, is home to the UN Human…
In principle, white Americans support efforts to end racism. But in practice, they have long been unwilling to support the fundamental change needed to do that. Will this year’s events…
Vantage Point Radio July 27, 2020 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Dr. Leon McDougle and Paradise Gray Topics…
By Dr. Julianne Malveaux — Nero, the Roman Emperor who legendarily fiddled while Rome burned is a symbol for an irresponsible, ineffective, and callous leader who shows indifference to people…
The roots of modern policing are steeped in a white supremacy from which none are immune. By Audrey Farley, The New Republic — On August 10, 2016, Tony Timpa, a…
Nationally and in Maine, young people of color are leading protests and asking their local leaders to address systemic racism. By Megan Gray, Press Herald — Mariam Beshir spent the days leading up to her graduation from Gorham High School organizing a Black Lives Matter march in her town. She wanted to celebrate. But she knew that Tamir Rice should have graduated from his own high school this year if…
Vantage Point Radio July 13, 2020 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Dr. Zakiya Newland and Leonard Dunston. Topics…
By Brandy Monk-Payton, Public Books — I. CHANNELING FREEDOM DREAMS A Black boy presses his forehead and cheek against the television. He shuts his eyes, clasps his hands together, and…