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Reparatory Justice

No image of Henrietta Wood survives today, but her story is recorded in court filings, including the verdict slip above.

The slave who won reparations

By Reparations

In 1870, Henrietta Wood Sued for Reparations—and Won. The $2,500 verdict, the largest ever of its kind, offers evidence of the generational impact such awards can have. By W. Caleb McDaniel, Smithsonian Magazine— On April 17, 1878, 12 white jurors entered a federal courtroom in Cincinnati to deliver the verdict in a now-forgotten lawsuit about American slavery. The plaintiff was Henrietta Wood, described by a reporter at the time as…

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New Jersey considers task force to look into reparations for slavery

New Jersey considers task force to look into reparations for slavery

By News & Current Affairs, Reparations

By News12, New Jersey — New Jersey’s African American lawmakers want to start studying how the state could make reparations for slavery. The New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill Thursday that would establish a Reparations Task Force. The task force would investigate the lingering effects of slavery and the role of state government. “The great national stain of this country’s history is this conversation around slavery. And the…

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Wayne Kempton, archivist and historiographer for the Diocese of New York, displays the journal of the 1860 diocesan convention.

Diocese of New York establishes reparations fund, adopts anti-slavery resolutions from 1860

By Reparations

By Egan Millard, Episcopal News Service — At its annual convention on Nov. 8 and 9, the Diocese of New York established a task force to examine how it can make meaningful reparations for its participation in the slave trade and committed $1.1 million from its endowment to fund the efforts the task force recommends. It also passed four resolutions condemning slavery, which had first been introduced by John Clarkson Jay – grandson of…

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Lizotte’s dissertation, entitled “Rethinking Reparations: A Critical Theory of Black Repair,” argued that current efforts for reparations that focus only on monetary compensation are misguided. Instead, she advocates for institutional and structural change.

PhD Candidate Examines the Politics of Slavery Reparations

By Reparations

Lizotte’s doctoral dissertation proposes more holistic approach to reparations at CSSJ. By Annie Gersh, Brown Daily Herald — Lizotte’s dissertation, entitled “Rethinking Reparations: A Critical Theory of Black Repair,” argued that current efforts for reparations that focus only on monetary compensation are misguided. Instead, she advocates for institutional and structural change. For Rutgers University PhD Candidate Kelsey Lizotte, reparations are about far more than a monetary exchange. At the Center…

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In this Nov. 19, 2002, photo, students walk through the Harvard Law School area on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

Harvard Law School traces its origins to an Antiguan slave owner. Now the country wants reparations.

By Editors' Choice, Reparations

By Meagan Flynn, The Washington Post — In an urgently worded letter recently sent to Harvard, Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne demanded that the university pay his country reparations “for the gains Harvard enjoyed at the expense” of Antiguan slaves. Browne’s Oct. 30 letter to Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow — reported Tuesday night by the Miami Herald and Harvard Crimson — draws a direct line from Harvard Law School’s success today…

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Dr. Ray Winbush

Ben and Jerry’s Support of HR 40 Might Mainstream the Reparations Discussion

By Reparations

The iconic, progressive ice cream company is in favor of a House Bill that would develop reparations proposals—a sign that attitudes towards a once-radical answer to racial parity are shifting. Story Transcript JACQUELINE LUQMAN: This is Jacqueline Luqman with The Real News Network. Reparations for African Americans or the descendants of Africans brought to the US to be enslaved is a socially and politically charged topic. Widely discussed and advocated within…

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BSU and CSA presented videos by Marianne Williamson and Dr. Umar Johnson speaking about reparations. The reparations discussion was held at Student Union on Thursday.

University at Buffalo students weigh in on reparations for slavery

By Reparations

Black Student Union and the Caribbean Student Association lead discussion about reparations on Thursday. By Julian Roberts-Grmela, UB Spectrum — Jeffery Clinton says he can’t forgive or forget the injustices his family and community endured throughout U.S. history. Clinton, a senior English and African American studies major and president of the African American Studies Academic Association, is a descendant of slaves. Clinton’s great-grandfather acquired a “considerable” amount of property in…

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