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Screenshot: Ice Cube responds to backlash over Trump collaboration

Why Ice Cube’s political logic is so dangerous

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By Peniel E. Joseph (CNN) — Ice Cube, the legendary Generation X rapper and hip hop icon, last week said he’s open to working with the Trump administration on implementing his “Contract with Black America.” That is a huge mistake which hurts the entire African American community. Cube sparked controversy after tweeting that the Trump campaign made adjustments to “their plan” for Black America after talking to him. Cube was…

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Black voters on line in Chicago, October 2020

Our goal is record Black voter turnout to fire Trump and save Black lives: NAACP President

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It’s not just Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the ballot, it’s a decision about the country we want. Honor John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg by voting. By Derrick Johnson, USA Today — Instead of focusing on the many crises devastating the Black community right now, and although voters are already casting ballots, Republicans are rushing to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Once again, President Donald Trump and his enablers…

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