Black women like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Ella Baker and Mary Church Terrell played a major role in the women’s suffrage movement. By Nsenga K. Burton — August 18, 2020 marks…
Black women like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Ella Baker and Mary Church Terrell played a major role in the women’s suffrage movement. By Nsenga K. Burton — August 18, 2020 marks…
Vantage Point Radio January 27, 2020 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Barbara Arnwine, Esq., Michael Albert and callers….
By Cleve R. Wootson Jr., Vanessa Williams, Dan Balz and Scott Clement — President Trump made a stark appeal to black Americans during the 2016 election when he asked, “What have…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — It was another raucous moment at the family Christmas dinner table when I asked my nephew this question. “You voted for Trump in 2016. Will…
Vantage Point Radio Recorded December 23, 2019 — On this edition of Vantage Point, host Dr. Ron Daniels aka The Professor talks with guests Dr. Maulana Karenga and callers. Topic…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Former Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris problem had the same as every other Democratic presidential contender has. She tried and the others are trying mightily…
More than two centuries after it was designed to empower southern white voters, the system continues to do just that. By Wilfred Codrington III, The Atlantic — s a color-blind…
By Clyde W. Ford, The Los Angeles Times — In one of his first presidential speeches, Donald Trump said to a mostly white crowd in Hershey, Pa., “They didn’t come out to vote for Hillary. They didn’t come out. And that was big — so thank you to the African American community.” Had blacks voted in the numbers they did in 2012, Trump would probably not be president. So, his newly announced…
The Brennan Center’s report authors said as the 2020 election cycle heats up, election administrators must be transparent about how they’re deciding what names to remove from the rolls. By…
The same anxiety that drives white supremacists has motivated Republicans to disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them. By Luke Darby, The Guardian — Before he opened fire on an…
By Julianne Malveaux — The US House of Representatives passed the Securing America’s Fair Elections (SAFE) Act in June by a nearly totally partisan vote of 225-184 in late June….
Areas with discriminatory history purging at higher rates Purges accelerated following 2013 supreme court decision By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian — US election jurisdictions with histories of egregious voter discrimination have been purging voter rolls at a rate 40% beyond the national average, according to a watchdog report released on Thursday. At least 17 million voters were purged nationwide between 2016 and 2018, according to a study by the Brennan Center for…